Tag Archives: 29april

Netherlands: FNV Symposium Workers’ Memorial Day

FNV Symposium Workers’ Memorial Day


On the 28th of April the Dutch National Trade Union FNV and the Foundation for Work Related Accidents (Stichting Arbeidsongevallen) will organise a symposium at Schiphol Amsterdam Airport in honour of the Workers’ Memorial Day.

Central topic will be that occupational health and safety is a fundamental workers’ right. In the Netherlands every year over 4000 workers die due to work related accidents or diseases. This is unacceptable!

The symposium will have presentations from Kitty Jong, vice president of FNV, Hanneke van den Bout, director Health and Safety of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, Rits de Boer, Inspector General of the Dutch Labour Inspection and Jan Warning, director of Institute of Victims of Occupational Diseases by Hazardous Substances (ISBG).

There will also be various presentations by workers about their experiences at the airport work floor of Schiphol. These workers, like luggage handlers, face very harsh safety and health conditions and are only paid minimum wages.

The foundation for Work Related Accidents will present results of their research on work related accidents among precarious workers.

At the end of the event the Laura Brugmans award will be handed out. Laura Brugmans was one of the founders of the Foundation for Work Related Accidents.


More information on FNV’s policy for OSH


