Category Archives: 2023 Asia-Pacific

Azerbaijan: Forestry workers organise on 28 April

International Workers’ Memorial Day will be marked in Azerbaijan by  the BWI affiliate TSEI HIRK which is organising an occupational health and safety workshop for forestry workers.

Kazakhstan: STUWBCHCRK to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day

BWI affiliate in Kazakhstan. STUWBCHCRK, is organising a set of five union meetings with workshops, videos an safety quizzes  dedicated to marking 28 April.

Lebanon: GFBCTU holds awareness campaign to put ILO right to safety into effect

GFBCTU, a BWI affiliate in Lebanon, held an OSH awareness campaign at Holcim on 25 April as part of this year’s observance of International Workers’ Memorial Day. Members of the union said that OSH is a fundamental right of workers that should be recognised and prioritised by Holcim. #IWMD2023 #MakeItHappen

Philippines: Unionised workplaces are safer workplaces #iwmd23

International Workers’ Memorial Day Activities in the Philippines

We mark this year’s International Workers’ Memorial Day with the theme: Mas Ligtas ‘Pag May Unyon! Unionized Workplaces are Safer Workplaces! Organize and mobilize for workers’ safety, health, and rights!
We remember all the workers who have died due to unsafe workplaces and call for justice for all victims of OSH rights violations. We also aim to raise awareness on OSH as a fundamental right and principle at work and how unions can make workplaces safer.
We invite you to take part in our Workers’ Memorial Day 2023 Activities on April 28:
• Just a Minute Silent Protest
One-minute silent protest and pledge towards fighting for workers’ health, safety, and rights.
#JustAMinute Silent Protests can be conducted in workplaces (canteen during breaktimes, company gates before or after shifts, shuttle bus pick up areas before travelling), schools, hospitals, communities, homes, and other spaces of gathering.
• Remembrance and Resistance: A Workers’ Memorial Day Solidarity Event and Open Mic Night, 7:00 PM onwards at Human Rights and People Empowerment Center, Fil Garcia Tower, Kalayaan Avenue, Quezon City
An evening of performances and solidarity to commemorate the lives of workers who died while on duty, calling for justice and action towards fighting for workers’ health, safety, and rights. This event is co-presented by Mayday Multimedia, Human Rights and People Empowerment Center and UP Manila Political Science Program NSTP students.
Do you want to take part in this year’s Workers’ Memorial Day activities? Leave a comment, send us a message here on Facebook or email us at

Philippines: For 28 April NUCBW to provide training on safety, gender, violence and harassment at work

NUBCW will hold an orientation to highlight the safety as fundamental right and raise awareness about health hazards, risks and proper ways to address and/or avoid the accidents in the workplace.

NUBCW will also hold training focusing on Anti-Sexual Harassment including gender and OSH related violence in the workplace with the creation of the Committee on De-Corum and Investigation as  a highlight .

More 28 April  training from NUBCW will focus on  safety as a fundamental right, C190 and gender sensitivity to all women leaders of NUBCW.


Cambodia: Multiple activities on 28 April from BWI affiliate BWTUC

In Cambodia the BWI affiliate BWTUC  has planned different activities including a campaign to:

“Let the public, workers, ministries, institutions, civil society organisations know:
1. Challenges of construction workers, living conditions, working conditions, wages
2. Health and safety of construction workers
3. Challenges in the use and implementation of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF)
4. Challenges and effects of asbestos (ASBESTOS)”

BWTUC is also providing training will be carried out to improve legal capacity to workers especially union leaders on trade union and labour laws and regulations on OSH that they will demand employers respect.

BWTUC  will be carried out aworkshop to call for employers and authority to find solutions on workers’ challenges at workplaces.


Malaysia: Multiple activities to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day

BWI affiliate TEUPM is planning a safety activity  together with MTUC affiliates in MTUC Headquarters. TEUPM will conduct joint training between TEUPM and Evergreen Fibreboard Berhad (Batu Pahat) / as signaoitory to the OHS declaration. Further training will be held training between TEUPM and and another signatory Craft Master Timber Products

Another BWI affiliate, UFES, is planning an online campaign using photos videos and other tools in eight regions.

Indonesia: Marking 28 April with online campaigning, safety meetings and joint mass action

SERBUK/FKUI is planning a 28 April online campaign with photos, videos and other tools developed by members in 5 regions. The union will also provide a seminar with safety training  at PT Bukit Muria Jaya (Karawang, West Java) as the company is a signatory to the occupational health and safety declaration. Finally there will be a mass action in Jakarta with various GUF affiliates and various NGOs including INA-BAN to raise the issue of the Amendment to the Rotterdam Convention.

Georgia: Union organised conferences and meetings will mark 28 April

There are multiple 28 April activities planned by union affiliates to BWI in Georgia . LS will hold a conference  that will launch an occupational health and safety campaign and call for solidarity support. GBFWU is planning safety action meetings with union members.

Sri Lanka: NTUF planning activities for International Workers’ Memorial

BWI affiliate NTUF has announced that it is making plans to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April.

Further details to follow.