Category Archives: Gallery

Asia Pacific / Korea: Costco Korean union members strike today in front of Kwangmyong store in Seoul – UNI

Costco Korean union members strike today in front of Kwangmyong store in Seoul. They demand: safe working conditions,  fair labour practices . 5,000 hours of exemption for union activities.

Wales: Workers’ gather at Wales TUC headquarters to mark Workers’ Memorial Day [Morning Star]

WORKERS gathered at the Wales TUC headquarters in Cardiff yesterday, alongside First Minister Vaughan Gething, to lay wreaths on Workers’ Memorial Day.

The WTUC was honouring those killed at work a week before the day is officially marked on April 28 and trade unionists turned out for the sombre commemoration at a memorial stone outside Transport House. [Read more on the Morning Star website]

Global: ITUC 28 April graphics [English]

ITUC has published a large variety of 28 April graphics for free use across social media channels and beyond. Below are the English language resources. These graphics are suitable for X/Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and more.  You can also download the images here.

ITUC 28 April graphics [Spanish]

ITUC has published a large variety of 28 April graphics for free use across social media channels and beyond. Below are the Spanish language resources. These graphics are suitable for X/Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and more.  You can also download the images here.

La CSI ha publicado una gran variedad de gråficos del 28 de abril para uso gratuito en los canales de redes sociales y mås allå. A continuación se encuentran los recursos en español. Estos gråficos son adecuados para X/Twitter, Instagram, Facebook y mås. También puedes descargar las imågenes aquí.


Europe: BWI’s “Make it happen” campaign sweeps Pan Europe

On International Workers Memorial Day, BWI affiliates across the Pan European region gathered together to raise their voices and demand that occupational health and safety become a reality in every workplace across the continent.

Over the last year, BWI affiliates throughout Europe signed over 100 Declarations with employers and employer associations to recognise occupational health and safety as a fundamental worker’s right. Many BWI affiliates decided this year to return to employers who have signed the said declarations and meet with workers to see if the situation had improved over the year.

Tajikistan’s building workers union was able to arrange 27 union meetings with 500 workers employed in different construction sites. Workers voiced their full support for BWI “Make It Happen” campaign as they conceded that occupational health and safety remains a major concern in the construction industry.

Over 50 activities were organised by BWI affiliates across Europe to support BWI’s “Make it Happen” campaign, including meetings with workers, issuance of trade union statements and videos, TV interviews, conferences, and workshops.

BWI news

Asia-Pacific: OHS as a right, make it happen! #iwmd23

37 unions throughout the Asia Pacific region organized various mobilisations, concerted actions, and other activities to support the adoption of workplace health and safety as a fundamental worker right. This was in response to BWI’s call to its affiliates to push governments and employers to implement the said right as it marked the 2023 International Workers’ Memorial Day. The unions in India, Nepal, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia, Myanmar, South Korea, and the Philippines organised demonstrations, held meetings to raise awareness on workplace safety, and distributed free personal protective equipment (PPE). In other places, unions and the employers  collaborated on joint actions to reaffirm their commitment to upholding safe and healthy working conditions.

In Nepal, the BWI-Nepal Affiliates Committee (BWI-NAC) organised a campaign action at a construction site in Bhaktapur. Crecentia Mofokeng, BWI Regional Representative for Africa-MENA, joined the activity. She was in Nepal for the Homenet International Congress.

In South India, the TKTMS organised a march that culminated in a town hall meeting attended by construction industry employers’ representatives. The INCWF sponsored a health and safety training at two cement plants in the state of Karnataka. At the same time, the Rajasthan state’s RPKNMS and AHBWU held popular activities to raise OSH awareness among stone quarry employees. Elsewhere in India, BWI affiliates TCTU, AIKTMS, DANMU, MAMU, NMPS, CFBWU, OKKS, OFMFPWU, RWO, INBCWF, SGEU, PMLU, AHPWDIPHCWU, CLU, HKMP, BMS, BMS Gujarat, BNKMU, UPGMS, and KSCWCU also reported IWMD-themed events.

For its part, the ACE-EU in Pakistan convened a joint training with employer representatives to promote OSH as a fundamental and implementable right of workers., while the PFBWW called for a workers’ meeting at  the IFI-funded Tarbela Dam infrastructure project and the BWF led awareness activities in the brick kiln industry.

Meanwhile, health and safety rallies and meetings, led by BBWWF and BSBWWF, dominated the marking of the IWMD in Sri Lanka.

The NUBCW organised a legal and advocacy course in the Philippines to lobby for the implementation of OHS laws in the country. In addition, the NUBCW held an anti-sexual harassment training and lecture for Engineering Equipment Incorporated unions, as well as their human resource professionals and workers.

The SERBUK in Indonesia and the BWTUC in Cambodia honoured the day with a series of campaign actions and mass mobilisations. They asked their respective governments to prioritise workers’ health and safety and their right to safe workplaces.

Finally, Malaysia’s UFES, TEUPM, and STIEU, as well as Myanmar’s BWFM, continued OSH campaigns to raise

Kazakhstan: Safe workplace is the basis of life and health preservation

Aas part of the World Labor Day, the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized a round table: “Safe workplace is the basis of life and health preservation”, which was attended by union leaders and technical inspectors from different industries and regions of the country, representatives of employers and authorized state bodies. more

Georgia: Labour Start 2023 conference launched in Tbilisi on April 28

Ô±ŐșÖ€Ő«ŐŹŐ« 28-Ő«Ő¶ ÔčŐąŐ«ŐŹŐ«ŐœŐ«ŐžÖ‚ŐŽ ՎՄկներկՄց Global Solidarity – Labour Start 2023 ŐŻŐžŐ¶Ö†Ő„Ö€ŐĄŐ¶ŐœŐš, ŐžÖ€Ő«Ő¶ ŐŽŐĄŐœŐ¶ŐĄŐŻÖŐžÖ‚ŐŽ Ő„Ő¶ Ő¶ŐĄÖ‡ Ő€ŐĄŐ”ŐĄŐœŐżŐĄŐ¶Ő« ŐĄÖ€Ő°ŐŽŐ«ŐžÖ‚Ő©Ő”ŐžÖ‚Ő¶Ő¶Ő„Ö€Ő« կ՞նֆՄՀՄրեցիեՔի նՄրկեՔեց՞ւցիŐčŐ¶Ő„Ö€Őš:
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đŸ—“ïž Global Solidarity – Labour Start 2023 conference launched in Tbilisi on April 28, which is also attended by representatives of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia.
✅ 170 participants from 67 countries are represented at the conference.
📣 The conference started with the respect of Workers’ Day and with the main idea that healthy and safe conditions are very important for workers.

Armenia: Armenian Trade Unions Conference organises a round table discussion on issues of health and safety in the workplace for #iwmd23

Ő€ŐĄŐ”ŐĄŐœŐżŐĄŐ¶Ő« ŐĄÖ€Ő°ŐŽŐ«ŐžÖ‚Ő©Ő”ŐžÖ‚Ő¶Ő¶Ő„Ö€Ő« կ՞նֆՄՀՄրեցիե organized a round table discussion on issues of health and safety in the workplace…

Moldova: Work in safe and healthy conditions – a fundamental right of employees at work – #iwmd23

“Work in safe and healthy conditions – a fundamental right of employees at work.”
👉 The event was organized by ConfederatÌŠia NatÌŠională a Sindicatelor din Moldova with the support of the National Platform of the FSC from #PaE.
“Promoting a culture of safety and health at work can help reduce the annual number of workplace deaths.”