#28aprilie – Ziua Internațională a Sănătății și Securității în Muncă
„Fiecare lucrător are dreptul la condiții de muncă care îi respectă sănătatea, siguranța și demnitatea” (Carta drepturilor fundamentale a Uniunii Europene, art. 31).
Sănătatea și securitatea la locul de muncă – un drept! Sindicatele îl protejează

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#28 April – International Day of Health and Safety in Work′′ Every worker is entitled to working conditions that respect his health, safety and dignity ′′ (Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, art. 31).Health and safety at work – a right! Unions protect himOrice the person who works and cares about their own health and safety at work should join a union and find out if they have a representative for SSM.
A strong union can ensure that a health and safety representative is appointed and considered by leadership.Read more about the meaning of April 28th and the role of health protection unions at work.