Category Archives: 2016 Italy

Unions show unity in defending workers’ health in Italy

basta16For this 28th April, Italian trade union confederations CGIL, CISL and UIL will be running unitary actions to commemorate the victims of occupational accidents and diseases. The call for a national plan to free Italy from asbestos will be a key feature of the actions today.

The most important action will be organised tomorrow April 29th in the Italian parliament, where a national conference will be organised with involvement of the Presidents of the occupational health and safety and environment commissions. Asbestos victims, representatives from cities highly impacted by asbestos, professionals and research institutes will also be present.

Italian unions are using #RicordiamoliTutti (let’s remember them all) for their 28th April events.

For more information on Italian unions events for this 28th April please contact

Italy: UMdL supports International Workers’ Memorial Day

Updating Medicina del Lavoro (UMdL) has issued a statement in support of International Workers’ Memorial Day.

In Italy, notably, this day is an opportunity to remember, among the others, asbestos’ victims. Here is  information about the event MAI PIU’ AMIANTO (NO MORE ASBESTOS) in Rome promoted by trade unions Cgil, Cisl, and Uil on April 29th 2016.

More information here

Italia: Salute e sicurezza CGIL- Coordinamento nazionale

Il gruppo Facebook dove ci si forma e informa, dove si discute, dove tutte e tutti quell* che si occupano di SSL hanno cittadinanza. La voce dei nostri Rls, RlsT, Rlsa, RSU, dei lavoratori e delle lavoratrici, dei professionisti/e che si occupano delle nostre materie e sono vicini al più grande sindacato italiano. Le proposte delle strutture confederali e delle categorie, le novità, l’aggiornamento della legislazione, le notizie su quello che succede e le anticipazioni le trovate qui. Seguiteci, iscrivetevi, intervenite.