All posts by Jawad

Philippines: ALU Philippines organises activities for IWMD

BWI affiliate ALU from the Philippines reports that at the end of March they have sent a letter to the Secretary of Environment and Foreign Affairs on Rotterdam Convention and African Amendment. The union will also organize a rally and a press release on April 28th.

Nepal: BWI Nepal Affiliates Committee proposes training with the Federation of Contractors Association

BWI Nepal Affiliates Committee reports that a training for workers at a construction project will take place in collaboration with the Federation of Contractors Association of Nepal.

Hong Kong: CSWGU Hong Kong on 28 April

CSWGU Hong Kong has planned activities around IWMD. Among others, it will be launching a campaign on safety standard at Leighton construction sites. In addition, “Ban Asbestos” is one of the issue campaigned on April 28th.

India: CFBWU India organizes a rally around 28th of April

The union will be organizing a rally on health and safety followed by a press conference.

India: KSCWCU India active around IWMD

The union has planned a press release for IWMD 10 days before April 28. It will also hold a joint public meeting of construction workers in the presence of state construction welfare board officials and labour department representatives to highlight workers’ concerns in relation to health and safety.

India: DANMU India holds two site trainings around IWMD

Two OHS site trainings followed by a commemoration event in the evening will take place around IWMD.

Cambodia: BWTUC Cambodia active on April 28th

BWTUC Cambodia reports that a follow up a letter was sent to the ministries on Ban Asbestos. The union will also be launching a health and safety database and press release on asbestos found at a cement company Camel Cement.

Phillippines: IOHSAD will demand justice, in front of the Department of Justice

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The Institute for Occupational Health and Safety Development Iohsad Phils will hold its Workers’ Memorial Day activity on April 26, Wednesday morning in front of the Department of Justice. We will join the Kentex workers and their families to demand justice for all the victims of the workplace fire that claimed the lives of more than 72 workers almost two years ago. We will post other updates on our WMD activities in the coming days.

#IWMD17 #WorkersMemorialDay2017 #SafeWorkplacesforAll


Gibraltar: 28 April activities in Gibraltar involving government and unions

The Workers Memorial Day ceremony will be held on Thursday 27th April 2017. The event is organised by Unite the Union Health and Safety Committee with Gibraltar Cultural Services collaborating and assisting Unite to ensure the smooth running of the event.

The occasion will be celebrated with a short ceremony at the Alameda Gardens as from 10am. The Chief Minister, the Hon Fabian Picardo MP will be leading the Ceremony. Speeches will be delivered by both the Chief Minister and Unite the Union Health & Safety Committee.

Remember the dead – fight for the living #IWMD17

The 28th April is International Workers’ Memorial Day the day each year when workers come together and remember those who have been killed and injured at work. The slogan for the day is “remember the dead – fight for the living”.

Sadly, it is all too likely that know someone who has died at work, has been injured in the workplace or is suffering from an occupational diseases.

IWMD 2017: An organised workplace is a safe workplace

This year Unite are highlighting the message that an organised workplace is a safe workplace, while also recognising the vital work of Unite safety reps in ensuring that their fellow workers are safe at work.

It has been found that workplaces that have union safety reps and a safety committee have half the major injury rate of companies that don’t have these structures.

Safety reps play an enormously positive role in society. In 2016 research found that safety reps in the UK saved between £219 million to £725 million by reducing lost time caused by injuries and illness.

The role of union safety reps is increasingly vital. Continued government attacks on safety laws, safety regulations and huge cuts to the funding of the Health and Safety Executive mean that unions and their safety reps are increasingly in the frontline of workplace safety. If unions aren’t keeping their workplaces safe then it is unlikely that anyone else will.
– See more at:

International Workers’ Memorial Day 28 April * * Facebook

Global: BWI Posters for IWMD in Turkish

The BWI has been encouraging affiliates all over the world to campaign on “Unions Make Work Safer” and to pick up one or several sub themes. BWI has prepared a series of posters in Turkish.

In Turkish
Construction  • Cement • Asbestos • Gender • Sports • Wood • Xenophobia