Category Archives: Gallery

Argentina: No pressures

The CTA, has launched an original approach to this 28 April, inviting workers to write their experiences with health at work. A writing contest “No pressures” has been launched, jointly coordinated by the CTA Cordoba Health and Safety Union, the CTA Capital and the CISPREN. More information on the contest can be found here: 


Europe: Unions say STOP treating protection from hazardous chemicals as “red tape”

For this 28th April, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) will run a highly visible action, focusing on the 100,000 people who die every year in the EU as a result of occupational cancers, as well as the 150,000 people who have died waiting for the EU to approve the Directive on Carcinogens and Mutagens at Work, held up since October 2013 by an EU review of ‘red tape’.

To mark the International Workers’ Memorial Day, the ETUC is planning to meet with Commissioners and MEPs at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, and will participate in events in Belgium and Latvia.

ETUC General Secretary Bernadette Ségol will meet European Parliament President Martin Schulz and European Employment Commissioner Thyssen in the European Parliament in Strasbourg .

ETUC 28 April webpages

The artwork below will be used at these events.

etuc1 etuc2 etuc3

Spanish unions highlight how austerity is undermining democracy and workers’ health


With more than 30 registered events already, and counting, the Spanish trade unions Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) and Union General de Trabajadores (UGT) will be joining this 28th April rallying behind their “ten urgent and priority measures for preventing occupational risks”. See the manifesto • Poster

The “Decálogo” (as they have called it) calls among other policies to fight casualization of work, well-funded prevention policies, changes in the occupational diseases registry, focus on social, gender and age determinants of occupational health, quality and independent prevention services, strengthening of labour inspection, a reinforcement of the public character of the “mutuas” system and support for democratizing labour relations.

Both trade union centers will organise hundreds of events, including seminars, rallies, debates, and press conferences across Spain.

A map with planned activities in different Spanish cities can be found in CCOO website

Another ITUC affiliate, USO will organise events under the slogan “Precarious work kills”, and is organising a three day event this week in Madrid, as well as other assemblies in other regions of Spain. Webpage



This format poster was posted onto our Workers’ Memorial Day Facebook group by Adir SouzaPDF.



Unions speak out for safe jobs in USA

Four decades ago, the US Congress passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act, promising every worker the right to a safe job.  But despite substantial wins by unions and allies, many job hazards remain unregulated and uncontrolled. As a result, each year thousands of workers are killed and millions more injured or diseased because of their jobs. And when this is added to the attacks to regulation by conservative parties and businesses, the stakes for workers are even higher. This is why the AFL-CIO is calling on unions to mobilise this 28th April, so that good and safe jobs are a reality for all US workers.

US unions are invited to post the details about their events here:


2015 Workers Memorial Day Materials

For more information on AFL CIO activities for this 28th April, please contact Peg Seminario


Spain: USO

Nuevo desplegable de la Unión Sindical Obrera: Ante la gestión de las Mutuas ¡Informáte!!


USA: AFL-CIO Speak out for safe jobs


Download the AF-CIO Workers’ Memorial Day poster


Hell no!

A stick-up-at-work poster for Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April 2015 produced by ITUC and Hazards magazine
Photograph Maria Sciandra  • Graphic design Mary Schrider

It’s time to stop the tears

Hazards magazine and the TUC has produced a special Workers’ Memorial Day poster which will be distributed to 20,000 UK safety reps.


ETUI: Aida Ponce del Castillo