Europe: Heat deaths at work up by 40 per cent in the EU


The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)  has reported a significant increase in heat deaths:

The number of people dying at work due to extreme heat is increasing faster in the European Union than any other part of the world, new data shows ahead of International Workers’ Memorial Day.

According to estimates provided to the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), 80,800 people suffered injuries at work due to heat exposure in 2020 and 67 people died as a result of working in extreme heat.

Speaking ahead of International Workers Memorial Day on April 28, ETUC Confederal Secretary Giulio Romani said:

“On International Workers Memorial Day, we remember the dead and fight for the living.

“We cannot accept that every summer dozens of workers needlessly lose their lives because we have not adapted our working practices to the changing climate.

“On building sites or in warehouses, people are dying or being seriously injured because they are forced to keep working in obviously dangerous temperatures.

“Adapting working hours to avoid the hottest part of the day is common sense way to protect workers while maintaining productivity.

“The rising number of deaths across Europe shows employers are failing to do this, which is why the Commission must make it an obligation through legislation on maximum working temperatures.”

Read more: Heat deaths at work up by 40% in the EU

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