USA: USMWF to mark 28 April with conference and vigil

Read the message from United Support and Memorial for Workplace Fatalities (USMWF) director Tonya Ford:

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I hope this message finds everyone well.

We wanted to reach out to everyone as we know there are many amazing Worker’s Memorial Day Events happening around the United States this month and we want to help also in getting the word out about each event to the public too.

We also want to make sure that our USMWF family members are aware of any events that may be happening near them so that they may be able to join and attend the event.

If you know of an event or are hosting an event near you please let us know as we will be happy to share with our family members, on our social media pages and on our website.

Also, we are pleased to invite you, other workers and other advocates to attend our upcoming Workers’ Memorial Day events that USMWF is hosting in Nebraska in memory and honor of our fallen workers as we strive to honor and remember our fallen workers, support our family member victims, educate our workers of workplace safety and prevent workplace incidents.

Workplace safety should always be a top priority because going to work should never be a grave mistake.  Part of USMWF’S mission from the very beginning was to provide information and resources; raise public awareness; transform workplace safety; promote family involvement; bring attention to the lasting effects of workplace injuries and deaths; and to personalize workplace fatalities.

With the help of many USMWF has hosted these events FREE for over seven years.  We are proud to offer top-notch training to the community covering some of the upmost workers’ safety issues and concerns.

USMWF’s Nebraska’s Annual Safety Training Conference: April 29 (7:30am-4:30pm) to April 30, 2019 (7:30am-12pm) at IBEW Local 265, 1409 Old Farm Rd, Lincoln, NE 68512-1805

A full day of educating our workers on important safety issues and concerns to prevent workplace incidents. Our safety topics this year are as follows:

  • Beat the Heat-Nebraska OSHA Representative;
  • Core Elements of Safety Leadership-Jeff Funke, Area Director of OSHA, Omaha, NE;
  • How to Communicate with Families of Fallen Workers- USMWF Family Members;
  • Lessons from Our Fallen Workers- Steve Sallman of United Steel Workers;
  • First Aid- Bryan Education;
  • Workplace Violence-National Safety Council, Nebraska;

Registration for our free training is open until April 5, 2019. This training event is free to the public because of the kind donations of many in our community. Upon completion of the course, Certifications are available for the First Aid course to be purchased by individuals for $20.00.  Register Today at Donations are greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

We also welcome you to join us at our upcoming USMWF’s Nebraska’s 10th Annual Candlelight Vigil on April 28, 2019 at 7pm Nebraska State Capitol Building, 1445 K St, Lincoln, Nebraska.  A time to come together as a community and honor the men and women that have been injured or killed in a work-related incident.

Please help us get the word out about our upcoming events and share with your co-workers, family members and friends. Together we can make a difference.

Please don’t hesitate to contact the undersigned if you have any questions.

Thank you all for your time and dedication to workplace safety.

Tonya Ford, Executive Director
USMWF.ORG, Inc (A 501 c3 non profit)

USMWF Family Reunion/Support Group

333 W. Chadderton Drive

Lincoln, NE 68521

Because going to work shouldn’t be a grave mistake!