Two OHS site trainings followed by a commemoration event in the evening will take place around IWMD.
Two OHS site trainings followed by a commemoration event in the evening will take place around IWMD.
The Institute for Occupational Health and Safety Development Iohsad Phils will hold its Workers’ Memorial Day activity on April 26, Wednesday morning in front of the Department of Justice. We will join the Kentex workers and their families to demand justice for all the victims of the workplace fire that claimed the lives of more than 72 workers almost two years ago. We will post other updates on our WMD activities in the coming days.
#IWMD17 #WorkersMemorialDay2017 #SafeWorkplacesforAll
The Workers Memorial Day ceremony will be held on Thursday 27th April 2017. The event is organised by Unite the Union Health and Safety Committee with Gibraltar Cultural Services collaborating and assisting Unite to ensure the smooth running of the event.
The occasion will be celebrated with a short ceremony at the Alameda Gardens as from 10am. The Chief Minister, the Hon Fabian Picardo MP will be leading the Ceremony. Speeches will be delivered by both the Chief Minister and Unite the Union Health & Safety Committee.
Remember the dead – fight for the living #IWMD17
The 28th April is International Workers’ Memorial Day the day each year when workers come together and remember those who have been killed and injured at work. The slogan for the day is “remember the dead – fight for the living”.
Sadly, it is all too likely that know someone who has died at work, has been injured in the workplace or is suffering from an occupational diseases.
IWMD 2017: An organised workplace is a safe workplace
This year Unite are highlighting the message that an organised workplace is a safe workplace, while also recognising the vital work of Unite safety reps in ensuring that their fellow workers are safe at work.
It has been found that workplaces that have union safety reps and a safety committee have half the major injury rate of companies that don’t have these structures.
Safety reps play an enormously positive role in society. In 2016 research found that safety reps in the UK saved between £219 million to £725 million by reducing lost time caused by injuries and illness.
The role of union safety reps is increasingly vital. Continued government attacks on safety laws, safety regulations and huge cuts to the funding of the Health and Safety Executive mean that unions and their safety reps are increasingly in the frontline of workplace safety. If unions aren’t keeping their workplaces safe then it is unlikely that anyone else will.
– See more at:
International Workers’ Memorial Day 28 April * * Facebook
En la campaña que lanzamos desde USO para este 28 de abril, Día de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, y que hemos llamado `Mismo riesgo, Misma prevención´, nos queremos hacer eco de las obligaciones en lo relativo a la prevención de riesgos laborales, tanto por parte de la empresa usuaria como de la ETT, con respecto a los trabajadores cedidos, puesto que hemos observado un importante incremento del uso de esta modalidad de prestación del trabajo y de su siniestralidad.
Por ello creemos que es fundamental reforzar la vigilancia de las condiciones de trabajo de los que son empleados por esta vía, para garantizar que disfruten de los mismos derechos en materia de prevención que si fueran contratados directamente por la empresa usuaria.
Del mismo modo queremos recordar que no puede incorporarse ningún trabajador a un puesto si previamente no se ha efectuado la evaluación de riesgos especifica y adecuada al puesto, y sin haber sido correctamente formado e informado sobre los riesgos y medidas preventivas.
SERBUK, a BWI partner organisation in Indonesia, reports various activities around International Workers’ Memorial Day like initiating dialogue with ASI the Indonesian Cement Association on poor health and safety conditions at Siam Cement Group Plants.
The union also informs us that it is launching a OSH construction database and legal drafting of OSH Law amendment.
On asbestos, SERBUK and Indonesia Ban Asbestos Network (INABAN) is sending a letter to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry requesting a discussion regarding the Rotterdam Convention and African Amendment. A Press release is also planned.
On April 28th a Rally with Ban Asbestos Issue and OSH rights for Cement Workers will take place.
Cada año, el 28 de abril, los sindicatos de todo el mundo organizan eventos para celebrar el Día Mundial de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo. Este año, la ICM se complace en confirmar el tema internacional “¡Los Sindicatos Hacen que el Trabajo sea Más Seguro!”.
Los sindicatos tienen una responsabilidad considerable por garantizar que los empleadores adopten medidas para evitar riesgos en la salud y por cuidar la vida de los trabajadores; todo esto mientras los trabajadores siguen siendo asesinados, heridos y enfermos mientras realizan trabajos de rutina. Los peligros son bien conocidos y también lo son las medidas de prevención. La abrumadora mayoría de los “accidentes” son absolutamente previsibles y prevenibles. Son causadas por la falta de gestión de los riesgos o por negligencia directa por parte del empleador. Más
Nell’ambito delle iniziative mondiali ed europee per la Giornata in memoria di tutti i morti sul lavoro e di sensibilizzazione sul contrasto agli infortuni, Cgil, Cisl e Uil nazionali, hanno organizzato il 27 aprile a Roma (dalle 9,30 alle 13,30), presso la sede dell’ILO in Italia, in Via Panisperna 28, l’evento italiano che, nella cornice del WMD – Worker’s Memorial Day, (“Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living!”), avrà come titolo “Garantire la salute e sicurezza in ogni posto di lavoro dell’Unione europea. Legislazione, dialogo sociale, contrattazione collettiva, nuovi rischi”.
Below, details of activities organised in Brasil, by the national trade union forum on work and health. Among a range of demands, the unions call for new investment in health and safety, including enforcement. They highlight the risks of insecure work, a rise in unemployment and an erosion of employment rights and welfare benefits. Calling for a workers to join a strike, the poster says labour reforms have led to more accidents and more deaths at work. Related note from Isamar Escalona of Confederación Sindical de Trabajadores/as de las Américas follows…
Estimado, compartimos con ustedes el material elaborado por las centrales brasileriras a través del Fórum Nacional de las centrales sindicales brasileras sobre Salud Laboral, a proposito del 28 de abril.
Prezados/as companheiros/as,
O Fórum Nacional das Centrais Sindicais em Saúde do Trabalhador, tendo em vista o desmonte do Sistema Único de Saúde com o congelamento do investimento em Saúde por 20 anos com forte impacto nas políticas publicas de vigilância e proteção da saúde do trabalhador; seguido do sancionamento da lei 4302/98 que institui a terceirização em todas as atividades das empresas, precarizando as condições de trabalho , bem como; a reforma trabalhista que retira e flexibiliza direitos duramente conquistados nas últimas décadas e; a reforma da previdência que dificulta a aposentadoria e restringe direitos aos benefícios acidentários/previdenciários. Portanto, diante do cenário de dificuldades, o Fórum decidiu denunciar à sociedade no dia 28 de Abril as consequências das reformas impostas pelo atual Governo Michel Temer que atinge duramente o conjunto da classe trabalhadora no Brasil, que ainda vem sendo atingida pelo desemprego e perda de renda. Nesse sentido , afim de dar publicidade , aproveitamos para encaminhar link abaixo para impre os anexos para postagem nas redes sociais e internet.
Isamar Escalona
Responsable de los Programas de Economía Informal y Salud Laboral
CSA – Confederación Sindical de Trabajadores/as de las Américas
In April, many trade unions affiliated to the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) are active to pay tribute to workers who died at work, but also those who have been injured and ill due to poor working conditions in the construction and wood industries.
This is why, on April 3rd, the Union of Construction Workers (SUNTRACS) of Panama, through its Occupational Health and Safety Secretariat, started activities with a press conference and a march to the Public Ministry as part of their struggle to seek the criminalization of work accidents. The slogan adopted by SUNTRACS to this 2017 April 28 Campaign is “A Death… A Stoppage”, a slogan adopted by BWI in Latin America and the Caribbean region for the past seven years.
Among the actions planned by SUNTRACS this month: project inspections, a health and safety forum, seminars, pickets, posters, placards and meetings with health and occupational safety institutions.
El mes de abril muchos sindicatos afiliados a la Internacional de Trabajadores de la Construcción y la Madera (ICM), se activan para rendir homenaje a los trabajadores y trabajadoras fallecidos en jornadas de trabajo, pero también aquellos que han quedado lisiados y con enfermedades profesionales, a causa de las malas condiciones de trabajo en las industrias de la construcción y madera, consideradas a nivel global, como las de mayor riesgo para los trabajadores.
Con esto, el pasado 3 de abril, el Sindicato Único Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria de la Construcción y Similares de Panamá (SUNTRACS), a través de su secretaria de salud y seguridad ocupacional, inició actividades con una conferencia de prensa y una marcha hacia el Ministerio Público en exigencia a una investigación que busque la penalización de los accidentes de trabajo. El lema adoptado por el SUNTRACS para la campaña del 28 de abril es “una muerte…un paro”, lema que ha adoptado la ICM en los últimos 7 años en la región de América Latina y el Caribe.
Entre las acciones que estará implementando SUNTRACS durante un mes tenemos: inspecciones a proyectos, un foro de salud y seguridad, seminarios, piqueteos, pega de afiches, colocación de pancartas y reuniones con instituciones de salud y de seguridad laboral.