Category Archives: graphics

Global: BWI Posters for IWMD in French

The BWI has been encouraging affiliates all over the world to campaign on “Unions Make Work Safer” and to pick up one or several sub themes. BWI has prepared a series of posters in French.

In French
Amiante • CimentFemmes • Sports • Construction   • Bois • Xénophobie

Global: BWI Posters for IWMD in English

The BWI has been encouraging affiliates all over the world to campaign on “Unions Make Work Safer” and to pick up one or several sub themes. BWI has prepared a series of posters.

Construction • Cement • Asbestos • Gender • Sports • Wood • Xenophobia

Global: BWI Posters for IWMD in Portuguese

The BWI has been encouraging affiliates all over the world to campaign on “Unions Make Work Safer” and to pick up one or several sub themes. BWI has prepared a series of posters in Portuguese.

In Portuguese
Cemento • Construcción • Amianto • Género • Deporte • Madera  • Xenofobia

UK: 28 April graphic resources from the Hazards Campaign

Hazards Campaign has produced a set of six large banners based on the 28 April theme ‘Unsafe and unfair – discrimination on the job hurts us all’. The banners will be displayed initially at the People’s History Museum in Manchester, UK – 21st April – 1 May 2017.

Banner 1 Fair enough? We are all sickened by inequality at work
Banner 2 Working women at risk
Banner 3 Racism hurts at work
Banner 4 The gig economy
Banner 5 Exporting inequalities
Banner 6 Unions make work safer

UGT: 28 de Abril: La discriminación en el trabajo pone en peligro la salud y seguridad de todas las personas trabajadoras

Spanish trade union UGT has produced a poster, manifesto and pamphlet  in commemoration of April 28th, International Day of Health and Safety at Work 2017.

Secretaria de Salud Laboral y Medio Ambiente
C/Hortaleza, 88 – 28004 Madrid
Tfnº 915890952  – 915897812
Fax: 915890953

La discriminación en el trabajo pone en peligro la salud y seguridad de todas las personas trabajadoras

Below, CC.OO poster based on the ITUC/Hazards poster for 28 April. It features on the front page of the Comisiones Obreras website, together with a briefing.

The ITUC/Hazards poster is available here (in English, other languages to follow).

ITUC’s briefing on inequalities in occupational health is available here:

USA 2017 Workers Memorial Day materials are ready

The 2017 Workers Memorial Day materials are ready. The theme this year is “Safe. Jobs. Every Worker’s Right.” The materials have been posted on the AFL-CIO website.

Multiple copies of materials are available for ordering (order form available on the AFL-CIO website). I urge you to distribute the materials widely and to organize or participate in Workers Memorial Day events. (A website for posting and listing events will be available shortly).

After years of struggle we won new rules to protect workers from deadly silica dust and beryllium, a tougher coal dust standard for miners and stronger anti-retaliation protections for workers who report job injuries. But these hard-won gains are now threatened. The Trump administration has launched an all-out assault on regulations. The president has ordered that for every new protection, two existing safeguards must be removed from the books. At the same time Republicans in Congress have moved quickly to overturn new rules issued by the Obama administration.  Agency budgets and enforcement programs are on the chopping block. The safety and health of workers and the public are in danger.

We need to organize and fight back. Please get involved and organize actions, activities, or observances in your workplaces and communities to highlight the toll of job injuries and deaths. Demand that elected officials put workers’ well-being above corporate interests. And demand jobs that are safe and healthy and pay fair wages. Make it clear that the labor movement will defend the right of every worker to a safe job and fight until that promise is fulfilled.

For additional information and to order copies of materials, please contact the AFL-CIO Safety and Health Department at 202-637-5366, or visit the AFL-CIO website at:

In Solidarity,

Peg Seminario
Safety and Health Director

If you work in a safe workplace and want everyone to know, AFL-CIO has the sign for you

If you work in a safe workplace and want everyone to know, AFL-CIO has the sign(s) for you! Anxiety and fear are on the rise, and one way to combat them is to let people know that the workplace they are in is a place that doesn’t tolerate hate and harassment. The sign makes it clear that your workplace will not tolerate racism, sexism, xenophobia, Islamophobia or transphobia.

Download the sign in English and in Spanish (the Spanish version is on page 2 of the document).

USA: Infographics from the National COSH report Preventable Deaths 2016

Preventable Deaths 2016 Infographics

The infographics below are from the National COSH report Preventable Deaths 2016, released on April 27, 2016 for Workers’ Memorial Week.

We encourage you to make use of any of these infographics at your website, on social media, or in your publications. The thumbnails below link to full-sized versions of the images, which you may save to your computer or device.


Turkey: Together we can stop labour murder

Families Workers Justice Seekers walk out for 28 April Workers Memorial Day in İstanbul.

Together We Can Stop Labour Murders

Remember The Dead, Fight Like Hell For The Living

Facebook • Report (Turkish)