All posts by Jawad

Brazil: Red noses broadcast a serious safety message

Finland: Construction sites nationwide observe 28 April moment of silence

Togo unions promote ITF container safety campaign

Union safety action in the Philippines

28 April in Hong Kong

28 April – IndustriALL warns of unidentified toxic killer risks

28 April is the International Commemoration Day for Dead and Injured Workers. The day is also known as Workers’ Memorial Day, the Day of Mourning, or World Day for Safety and Health at Work. Most importantly, it is a day for unions to renew their commitment to safety and health at work.

Controlling exposure to toxic substances is one theme that global unions have chosen to emphasize in 2015. Of the hundreds of thousands of chemicals in industrial use, we have substantial knowledge of the health effects of only a small percentage; and suspect that many unidentified killers are among the rest.

Global: IUF calls for an end to the use of “highly toxic” pesticide paraquat in India

To mark Workers Memorial Day, IUF has produced with Pesticides Action Network (PAN) and the Swiss-based NGO, Berne Declaration, a report on the use of paraquat in India. more

Global: Thinking inside the box on 28 April

ITF’s Paddy Crumlin highlights the Container Safety Now campaign on International Workers’  Memorial Day. more

Sweden: Manifestation för döda i arbetsplatsolyckor

878 personer skadades i arbetet i Dalarna förra året och två personer avled. Idag uppmärksammas de i en manifestation. Mer

 Bengterik Busk/SVT
Foto: Bengterik Busk/SVT

Germany: Berufsbedingter Krebs: EU muss endlich handeln

Berufsbedingter Krebs: EU muss endlich handeln

“In der EU sterben jedes Jahr mehr als 100.000 Menschen allein an berufsbedingtem Krebs. Trotzdem verschleppen sowohl die alte als auch die neue EU-Kommission, unter dem Deckmantel des Bürokratieabbaus, seit Jahren eine Reform der völlig veralteten Krebsrichtlinie”, kritisiert DGB-Vorstandsmitglied Annelie Buntenbach anlässlich des heutigen Workers Memorial Day.

Am internationalen Workers Memorial Day am 28. April wird weltweit der Menschen gedacht, die bei einem Arbeitsunfall oder durch berufsbedingte Krankheiten verstorben sind. mehr

Aufruf Workers Memorial Day