All posts by Jawad

Spain: Unions challenge political parties with massive mobilisation on 28 April

Spanish national centers CCOO and UGT have started to visibilise their mobilisaton around 28th April with a round of meetings with political parties, expressing them the need to improve laws, enforcement and strengthening unions in order to secure occupational health and safety.

Actions are expected across Spain, with regions like Extremadura already planning a rally commemorating the 462 workers who have died since the adoption of the Spanish prevention law, highlighting the need to secure compliance and improvements to that framework.

You can read the joint CCOO-UGT Manifesto here

Another ITUC affiliate, USO will organise events under the slogan “No reps, no safety”, highlighting the importance of safety reps  and the need for workers’ participation in order to ensure healthy working conditions.

For more information on CCOO and UGT activities for this 28th April, please contact Mr Francisco Javier Torres Fernandez,  and Emilio Gonzalez Vicente

For USO activities, please contact Sara Garcia,


Moldova: Meetings, services and victim support to mark 28 April

This April 28th, the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) will be organising a series of events, including gathering with over 400 trade union representatives, State labour inspectors, social partners and representatives of dead and injured workers’ families, a memorial service and media reports. The union will also provide solidarity support for the victims’ families. More information will be released in the union’s website

New Zealand: NZCTU announces nationwide activities for 28 April

The New Zealand Congress of Trade Unions (CTU) has announced the organisation of memorial services, rallies and other actions in all the key cities of the country.

Details of the events can be found here

Put your ‪#‎ToolsDown for International Workers’ Memorial Day next week

Put your ‪#‎ToolsDown for International Workers’ Memorial Day next week.


The kit gives you everything you need to organise a place, talk to your boss and ideas on how to get your message across.

‪#‎IWMD16 is an opportunity to remember the dead, fight for the living and talk to your coworkers about how to improve health & safety.

Download the kit or ask for one to be mailed to you!

We Are Union OHS Reps• Facebook

Canada: Widows of the workers video

The video below is called ‘Widows of the Workers: These Chemicals are Going to Kill Me’:

It is part of the ‘Giving Voices to Widows of Asbestos’ project. The General Electric plant they are referring to is in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. The initiative is being supported by the union SEIU Canada.

The following video link is an overview of the project by the union researcher Natasha Luckhardt. Gofundme

Australia: Unions Tasmania is holding commemorative service in Hobart

Unions Tasmania has announced plans for 28 April:

“International Workers Memorial Day takes place annually around the world on April 28th, an international day of remembrance and action for workers killed, disabled, injured or made unwell by their work.

Unions Tasmania is holding commemorative service in Hobart to remember the lives of workers who have been killed at work.

This is an opportunity for us to honour those workers who have lost their lives during their normal course of employment and stand alongside those family and friends who are left behind.

There ecumenical memorial service will be held at St Davids Cathedral in Hobart on Thursday 28th of April at 5.30pm.  (Coffee and tea will be available from 5pm)

You are most welcome to join with us in remembering your loved ones who have tragically lost their lives in a workplace accident.”

Unions Tasmania

UK unions join the international call for ‘Strong Laws – Strong Enforcement – Strong Unions’


On 28th April, the British Trades Union Congress is organising dozens of events across the country, including ceremonies, seminars, demos and rallies, with union activists’ reflecting on the dual purpose of the 28th April: Remember the dead, and fight for the living. The full and updated list of events can be found in a dedicated TUC page:

For more information on TUC activities for this 28th April, please contact Hugh Robertson

Globally, the 2016 theme for the day is ‘Strong Laws – Strong Enforcement – Strong Unions’

Download background materials here and posters here

Post your activities in Facebook, Twitter with #IWMD16 or send them to us by email to

Listing for Ontario, Canada 28 April events

The Workers’ Health and Safety Centre  WHSC has published  a comprehensive listing of all of the Ontarian 28 April events.


Marking 28 April: Ten historical worker health and safety films

These 10 films show workplace tragedies and hazards over the past 100 years. April 28 is Worker Memorial Day, a time to remember those who died on the job and to fight for better health and safety for all workers. Facebook

28 Avril –J-10 et le compte à rebours commence aujourd’hui !!

La Journée Internationale de Commémoration est moins de deux semaines, et encore une fois elle se profile pour être le plus grand événement de l’année sur le calendrier de la santé et de la sécurité au travail. Le mouvement syndical a lancé cette journée, qui cette année a une chance d’atteindre plus de 70 pays, et verra se développer des manifestations, des commémorations, des minutes de silence, des initiatives liées à la sécurité au travail et plein d’autres actions.

Il est encore temps de planifier un événement près de chez vous, ou de faire connaître et marquer la journée dans votre lieu de travail. De nombreux syndicats ont produit leurs propres matériaux et affiches pour ce 28 avril. D’autres ressources, y compris des affiches en français peuvent être téléchargées à partir du site web joint CSI/Hazards

Le thème pour l’année 2016 est «des lois fermes, une application stricte et des syndicats forts ».

Nous avons déjà commencé à collecter les évènements et matériaux disponibles dans le site web.

Si vous utilisez twitter, nous vous invitons à communiquer vos évènements en utilisant le hashtag #iwmd16

Nous avons reçu des informations de l’Espagne, du Royaume-Uni, la Moldavie, la Belgique, l’Ecosse, l’Australie, entre autres et les infos par pays vont commencer à circuler dès aujourd’hui. Envoyez-nous vos plans !!