Tag Archives: ZSSS

Slovenia: 28. april, mednarodni delavski dan spomina na umrle na delovnem mestu

Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia – ZSSS 
Zveza svobodnih sindikatov Slovenije – ZSSS

OSH dedicated web site of ZSSS: https://zssszaupnikvzd.si/

Since 2006 ZSSS has been on 28 April (IWMD) informing public, media and workers OSH reps on state of OSH in Slovenia. At the same time we call out to national Ministers for Labour and for Health what needs to be done to improve OSH.

Dedicated web site to IWMD since 2006: https://zssszaupnikvzd.si/kampanje-o-varnosti-in-zdravju-pri-delu/28-april-kampanje/28-april-mednarodni-delavski-dan-spomina-na-umrle-na-delovnem-mestu/

E-news with IWMD 2023 messages:

15/2023 e-news ZSSS (19. 4. 2023): ILO ob 28. aprilu 2023 sporoča: “Varno in zdravo delovno okolje je temeljna pravica!”

16/2023 e-news ZSSS (26. 4. 2023): Sporočila ZSSS ob 28. aprilu 2023, mednarodnem delavskem spominskem dnevu

17/2023 e-news ZSSS (28. 4. 2023): ETUC: Žrtve azbestnega poklicnega raka in njihove družine pozivajo voditelje EU

Slovenia: SDGD press conference, exhibition and survey to mark 28 April

Global construction federation BWI affiliate Sindikat Delavcev Gradbenih Dejavnosti Slovenije (SDGD) reports that on April 28th the construction union will hold a traditional press conference to inform the public about the Zveza svobodnih sindikatov Slovenije/ Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia (ZSSS) messages on the occasion of the World Health and Safety Day.

They will also have an online survey of occupational diseases and then publish the results with an exhibition planned for the 6th floor of the union HQ.

Traditionally, at the same time, they publish statistics for last year, how many injuries, occupational diseases, how many died …

One month ago, the union sent questions to the state authorities that kept official statistics on all of these and asked them to send the data by 19 April 2018.

They  work on press and communication on April 28 from 2003 onwards every year.