Global: Each year 2.78 million people die from work-related illness and injury

Australia: Unions Tasmania will hold two 28 April events

Global: In South Asia around 4,500 workers die each year in building collapses

UK: TUC guide of national 28 April events

UK: 28 April graphics and posters from TUC to download and share

Global: 20,000 workers @amazon US caught #COVID19

Global: Cada minuto, 730 personas resultan envenenadas por pesticidas.

Global: Chaque jour, 410 travailleurs de la construction trouvent la mort au travail.

Global: Cada diez segundos, alguien muere a causa de procedimientos poco estrictos en el lugar de trabajo

Germany: April ist Workers Memorial Day zum Gedenken an Beschäftigte, die am Arbeitsplatz erkrankt oder verstorben sind


Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living