Al tiempo que se llevan a cabo en todo el mundo ceremonias con ocasión del Día Internacional en Memoria de los Trabajadores Fallecidos y Heridos, la CSI ha advertido a los empleadores negligentes de las consecuencias que supone poner en peligro la vida de los trabajadores y trabajadoras. Cada 15 segundos muere en el mundo un trabajador a causa de accidentes o enfermedades laborales.
Istanbul Council of Occupational Safety and Health release the names of workers killed every month, as well as what industries they worked in. They collect a greater number of fatalities than the government.
Garment workers in Bangladesh face poor working conditions and anti-union tactics by employers including assaults on union organizers, Human Rights Watch said in a report. More
Bangladeshi unions will mobilise this year with a week of events, which will include meetings on compensation and rehabilitation for Rana Plaza victim workers, a commemoration of the tragedy on April 24th both with OSHE as a lead organiser, a tripartite seminar on the 26th and a joint demonstration of the National Labour Rights and Safety Alliance on the 28th April.
The demo will be calling for immediate ratification of key ILO Conventions on OSH by Bangladesh namely C187 (Promotional Framework for OSH Convention, 2006), C155 (Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981) and C167 (Safety and Health in Construction).
The demo is a joint endeavour by the Bangladesh Free Trade Unions Congress (BFTUC), the National Alliance of Construction Workers Safety, Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation (OSHE), Federation of Garments Workers (FGW), Bangladesh Building and Workers Federation (BBWWF), Labour at Informal Economy (LIE), Rana Plaza Accident Victims Network and Tazreen Fashions Accident Victim Network.
The video “Growth with Tears“ has been produced on the struggle of Rana Plaza victims:
The Bangladesh Labour Federation -BLF will Observe 28 ICD 2015 in Dhaka organising a discussion meeting on 28 April 3.30 PM. BLF President & General Secretary & BLF Members ,activists, organisers, educators as well as the women’s & youth wings will be present in the event.
For more information on BFTUC activities for this 28th April, please contact with AR Chowdhury REPON, Acting General Secretary- BFTUC & Executive Director- OSHE, E-mail:
For more information on BLF events, please contact M.Shahadat Hossain
Work shouldn’t be hell, it shouldn’t hurt and it certainly shouldn’t kill. Work should be fulfilling, safe and worthwhile. Union organisation can make this happen.