
28 Avril Journée Internationale de Commémoration (JIC) des travailleurs décédés et blessés
28 de Abril Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración (JIC) de los Trabajadores Fallecidos y Heridos
28 April International Workers’ Memorial Day
28 April International commemoration day for dead and injured workers
28 April International day of mourning

28 April, the global trade union campaign day for safer, healthier, better work, is the biggest health and safety event anywhere. Thousands of unions representing tens of millions of workers arrange protests, media events, training and education sessions and workplace investigations to mark the day. To find out about the inspiring and creative activities and resources used to highlight the union message on previous years, visit our archive webpages.

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living

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Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living