Category Archives: 2017

Nigeria: 28 April campaign against the hazards of cement dust

Update from BWI

In Abuja and Lagos, Nigeria, the union NUCECFWW is running a 28 April campaign against the hazards of cement dust targeting workers and the general public.

Cementing knowledge of dust Hazards in Uganda

Update from BWI

Ugandan union UBCCEAWU will create awareness of cement hazards on International Workers’ Memorial Day.

Kenya: Raising safety skills to mark 28 April

Update from BWI

Unions KUPRIPUPA, UNRISK, KBCTFIEA and KQMWU are running a workplace training campaign on 28 April.

The unions aims to train at least fifty workers with the occupational health and safety skills .

Zimbabwe: Unions are running a safety awareness campaign

Update from BWI

Zimbabwe unions CLAWUZ and ZCATWU will run an occupational health and safety campaign on 28 April in GWERU and Harare.

The campaign targets union leaders, OHS committee members, company management and workers aiming to identify work hazards, accident investigation procedures and check on compliance.

Namibia: MANWU to run a workplace safety compliance campaign on 28 April

Update from BWI

In Windhoek, Namibia MANWU is running a workplace campaign designed to encourage and enforce compliance with safety rules. The targets of this campaign are union leaders, OHS committee members, company management and the workers.

Mozambique: Safety awareness and recruitment in Chinese companies on 28 April

Update from BWI

In Maputo, Mozambique the SINTICIM union is running a safety and recruitment campaign targeting Chinese companies.

Mauritius: CMWEU union conducting multiple activities to mark 28 April

Update from BWI

In an object lesson in how ‘Strong unions save lives’ the  Mauritius union CMWEU is organising its safety stewards and members to conduct multiple activities over 22-28 April.

Among other actions it will distribute pamphlets and other materials, and arrange meetings across work sites, show  an exhibition, ceremony and hold a press conference.

The campaign targets unions leaders, union members, OHS committee members, government and the general public.

UK: TUC 28 April graphics

The TUC has produced four graphics (below)  that will form the basis of a social media campaign to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day. TUC encourages  others to use any of them freely as they see fit.

Turkey: Pioneering large, joint events of BWI affiliates across Turkey

In Turkey, BWI affiliates are organising a joint action on 28 April for the first time in Turkey.

They will have a joint meeting in YOL-IS (construction union) HQ.

They will make speeches regarding the OHS issues by addressing and condemning the high rate of deadly accidents in Turkey. They will read a joint declaration following their personal speeches.

On the other hand, national TV channels will be there.

YOL-IS published our posters in Turkish to be distributed to members in  35 different cities. The branch offices in these cities will organise meetings with members and take photographs with poster to send us.

Additionally, YOL-IS filmed a public service ad on OHS  standards in construction sector. It will be shown in the meeting.

Therefore, it will be a pioneering huge event in Turkey.

Croatia: Occupational Health and Safety – an investment, not a cost!

Trade Union of Construction Industry of Croatia (Sindikat graditeljstva Hrvatske) will join a panel discussion  „Occupational Health and Safety – an investment, not a cost! ahead of the National Day of Protection at Work. The panel  is organised by the Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia.