Category Archives: Gallery

Hong Kong: Commemoration of International Workers’ Memorial Day in Hong Kong

Philippines: IOHSAD calls on President Duterte for justice, truth and new safety laws

To avoid a national holiday NGO Institute for Occupational Health and Safety Development (IOHSAD), together with the workers of Kentex Manufacturing Corporation, have held International Workers’ Memorial Day early (pictures below).

Also see IOHSAD news release
Workers’ Memorial Day Duterte Challenge ( 2017)

Philippines: Asbestos kills workers, communities

#Asbestos kills workers and communities. Message from ALU, #Philippines on #WorkersMemorialDay #banasbestos #IWMD16

Turkey: Together we can stop labour murder

Families Workers Justice Seekers walk out for 28 April Workers Memorial Day in İstanbul.

Together We Can Stop Labour Murders

Remember The Dead, Fight Like Hell For The Living

Facebook • Report (Turkish)

PGFTU celebrating world safety and health at work day

On 28th of April  PGFTU held a very special ceremony on the occasion  of the World Day for Safety and Health.

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work is an annual international campaign to promote safe, healthy and decent work. It is held on 28 April and has been observed by the International Labor Organization (ILO) since 2003. It has also long been associated with the world’s trade union movement’s commemoration of the victims of occupational accidents and 1 photo 2 الصحة و السلامة المهنية

A national occupational safety and health culture is one in which the right to a safe and healthy working environment is respected at all levels, where governments, employers and workers actively participate in securing a safe and healthy working environment through a system of defined rights, responsibilities and duties, and where the highest priority is accorded to the principle of prevention.

The PGFTU with the coordination with Department of Health and Safety has organized this ceremony which was attended  by over than 200 persons coming from different regions of Palestine, unionists, workers, workers’ representatives , employers’ representatives …..

And by the representatives of the related concerned parties:

  • PGFTU’s General Secretary Brother Shaher Sae’d .
  • Head of OSH department /PGFTU Brother Mostapha hanne
  • President of chamber of commerce Brother Omar Hashem.
  • Architect union’s representative Brother Sami Hejawe .
  • Contractors union’s representative Brother Rame Khateeb .
  • Stones and quarry union’s representative Brother Hatem Yamak .
  • Nablus municipality’s representative Brother Ramez Dalae .

Through their speeches the speakers insisted on:

  • Expecting at all levels the right to a safe and healthy working environment;
  • Active participation of all stakeholders in securing a safe and healthy working environment through a system of defined rights, responsibilities and duties; and
  • Giving the highest priority to the principle of prevention.

The main purpose of the ceremony was to show that OSH is the only sustainable way to overcome the high percentage of Work accidents and death between workers.

Brother Shaher Sae’d the General Secretary of PGFTU insisted in his speech on the importance of the health of the workers. He pointed out that every single day, 11 workers dies in Qatar from an occupational accident Work-related accidents or diseases can definitely be placed in the high-burden category of all global health problems regardless the procedures of health and safety which are confirmed by many international organization.

But in Palestine working in hazardous conditions is a daily, routine task for many workers. During one year the numbers of those who lost their lives in worksites are not clear because not all the accidents are recorded:  Over 5350 worker accidents are recorded   while 2000 are not. The records talk about 45 workers who are working inside Israel from building sector, 65% from them are from Palestine .

Sae’d focused on the importance of implementing the social security law to stop the violations against the Palestinian workers, and he highlighted the role of the PGFTU’s overall campaign to implement the code of social security with some useful amendments especial in the benefit of work accidents.

He informed the attendance about the intention of the PGFTU to put more efforts in the field of educating the workers about the importance of using procedures of health and safety.

He also demanded the concerned parties especially the chamber of commerce to establish a training center for OSH in the north similar to that found in the south.

In his speech Sae’d, showed his belief that good practices should be shared, promoted and emulated where possible in order to raising awareness and knowledge of occupational hazards and risks and how to prevent and control them is key for this process  as well as increase the awareness, secure greater engagement people and support stakeholders.

At the end Shaher sae’d presented solidarity to the families who lost their beloved while they are working and confirmed efforts to give assistance in finding alternatives of living. And he insisted on the importance of decent life and decent work in the free independent State of PALESTINE.

Pakistan and Bangladesh: Rana Plaza anniversary

On 24 April 2016 workers in Bangladesh and Pakistan remembered the dead and demanded improved factory safety and punishment to those responsible for the tragedy. IndustriALL website

Read more: Workers demand justice on third anniversary of Rana Plaza collapse


Union safety action in the Philippines

28 April in Hong Kong

Labour murders in Turkey: The day to mourn and remember

April 28th should be proclaimed The Day the Mourn and Remember Those who Lost Their Lives in Work Murders


Remember the perished, campaign for those remaining!  

Actively pursuing their lawsuits over the last 7 years, Holding an hour long vigil at Galatasaray square first Sunday of each month,

Worker Families Seeking Justice (The families of those who lost their lives due to work murders) continue their struggle to achieve justice.

The families request April 28th to be proclaimed The Day the Mourn and Remember Those who Lost Their Lives in Work Murders in Turkey. 

Families are organizing two events to make this request be heard louder.  

We want you to be with us.

We can stop the work murders together!

26 April Sunday 13:00, Şişli Kent Cultural Center

  •        Worker Families Seeking Justiceand their pro-bono lawyers tell their experiences in seeking justice throughout the last 7 years.
  •        Support for Justice Seekers Group will launch the 2014 version of the Work Murders Almanac, which they have been releasing since 2012.

28 April Tuesday 19:00, Taksim Tram Stop

  • Wearing black,Worker Families Seeking Justice and their supporters march along İstiklal Street.

We have an ONLINE PETITION to proclaim April 28th The Day the Mourn and Remember Those who Lost Their Lives in Work Murders

Sign now:


  • 301 miners died in Soma massacre in 2014. At least four Soma massacres happen in Turkey each year.
  • 1886 workers lost their lives while working in Turkey in 2014.
  • Regarding labor murders, Turkey ranks as first in Europe and third in the world.



Contact: 0537 242 64 13 – 0535 213 58 03 – 0533 543 33 01

Event page  • Leaflet in Turkish

USA: Earl Dotter’s Exhibit: BADGES – a Memorial Tribute to Asbestos Workers

Renowned US photojournalist Earl Dotter has a new exhibit which features ID badges of workers employed in industries that mined or used asbestos.

The touring exhibit, sponsored by the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization, will be launched at the 28 April commemoration to be held at the headquarters of the national union federation AFL-CIO.

AFL-CIO Worker Memorial Day Exhibit Event [PDF]