Australia: Zola’s story

“Thursday April 28 is International Workers’ Memorial Day when we remember the dead and fight for the living. We have a history of marking this important day with events around the country. Last year we asked our members to put their boots and tools out in memory of a worker who was killed at the Royal Adelaide Hospital site.

At the same time we were sent an email by Zola: an 8 year old grade 3 student from the south east of Melbourne who wanted to know what her class could do to commemorate the day. Several people in her family had been injured at work and so Zola’s mum suggested she contact the CFMEU.

We were blown away.

Zola organised her class to put their shoes and pencil cases (their tools) out, and took a photo.

Every 6 minutes a worker in the industries we cover is either killed or seriously injured. We will always stand up for safety. We’re asking that you stand up with us.”

New Zealand: 99 Kiwis killed at work

HomeThis Workers Memorial Day, April 28th, we remember the 99* New Zealanders who went to work and never came home, the 99 New Zealanders who were killed at work.

“Workers Memorial Day is a sombre. We remember those whose lives would have been saved if their workplaces had been safer. All of these deaths could have been prevented,” CTU President Richard Wagstaff said.

“On Workers Memorial Day Selina Eruera, mother of Eramiha Pairama who was killed at work while he was working on a forestry block, will sit in a coroners hearing in Taneatua, in the Bay of Plenty. She will listen to the detail of how her son was killed at work and how his death could have been prevented if the right health and safety procedures had been in place,

“Earlier this month new health and safety law came into force. This new law means that kiwis are safer at work.  But there is still work to be done.  We know that people that work on farms need better protections (particularly those using quad bikes). We also know that elected health and safety representatives are crucial in keeping working people safe but are under attack by some employers.  We must also address is the menace of asbestos – New Zealand’s worst workplace killer. We urge Cabinet to ban the import of asbestos containing materials but that is not enough.  We need a plan to eliminate it from our buildings,

“On Workers Memorial Day all around the country events of remembrance are occurring. There are also events focused on fighting for the living; fundraising for the legal work which has justice in its sight for the families whose loved ones never came home,” Wagstaff said.

*ACC statistic here

Please note that in May there are two coroners’ hearings into forestry workplace deaths in the Rotorua Coroner’s Court. 10 May – Charles Finlay. 11 May – David McMurtrie

Unions focus on the importance of social dialogue for OHS at company level in Senegal


For this 28th April, the group bringing together all trade union centres from Senegal around OHS (the InterSyndicale Sécurité et Santé au Travail) will co-organise, along with governmental agencies and employer representatives a seminar/ceremony reinforcing stakeholders’ capacity on OHS-related prevention policies. The Senegalese employment minister will be present.

For more information on this event, please contact Ousmane Diop

Unions call for better OHS regulations in Slovenia

ZSSS logoIn the context of the upcoming 28th April commemoration, the trade union confederation ZSSS has called on the government to adopt better regulations on occupational safety and health as it expressed support for a campaign to amend the directive on protection of workers from risks related to the exposure to carcinogens or mutagens.

More information available here

Croatia: Unions focus on workplace cancers on 28 April

 In Croatia, the UATUC has succeeded the challenge of bringing 28th April commemoration to the heart of a series of union events which start on the 26th and run until May Day.

To be highlighted are two conferences – one on healthy workplaces for all ages, one calling for stopping workplace cancers- which will be organised on April 27th. UATUC also informed us of a strong focus on solidarity with refugees which they will be having in this week of mobilisations. More information on these actions can be found in UATUC Facebook events: and

Bangladesh: Unions do not forget Rana Plaza and fight for no more deaths

On the occasion of 28th April 2016, Bangladeshi unions will mobilise with a week of events, which will include meetings on compensation and rehabilitation for Rana Plaza victim workers, a commemoration of the tragedy on April 24th both with OSHE as a lead organiser and a demonstration on April 28th to honour all who died and got sick at work.

Last April 24th, in the occasion of 3rd anniversary of Rana Plaza Tragedy, the Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation (OSHE) organised a victim demonstration  (9am morning) followed by meetings for Rana Plaza Survivors in Savar  with mobilization of media. When it comes to April 28th, a workers demo will be organised in Dhaka calling for strong law and strong enforcement in workplaces.

The demo would be a joint endeavour by the Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation (OSHE), Bangladesh Free Trade Unions Congress (BFTUC) and other associated trade unions and industrial federations.

The video “Growth with Tears” on the struggle of Rana Plaza victims and can be viewed below:

For more information, pl. contact Repon Chowdhury, BFTUC

Australia: Unions call on workers to put the tools down for Workers’ Memorial Day

On 28th April, the Australian trade union movement will mobilise in all Australian provinces for occupational health and safety and to ensure we remember those who died or loose their health at work, and keep the fight for the living. A  smart social media kit has been produced  (something that hopefully will inspire others!)

For more information on Australian actions for 28th April, please contact Amy Jenkins, Victorian Trades Hall Council,

Canada: CUPE calls for full asbestos ban

On April 28, the Day of Mourning for workers killed or injured on the job, CUPE is renewing its call for a comprehensive ban on asbestos in Canada—the number one cause of occupational death in Canada.

It’s estimated that asbestos-related diseases kill more than 2,000 people ever year in Canada. Many Canadians, including CUPE members, go to work every day in hospitals, schools, and other buildings that contain the deadly substance. Despite these facts, Canada continues to import asbestos in products like brake pads and cement pipes. In fact, just last year before losing power the Harper government actually made it easier to import products containing asbestos.

“The Harper government showed a repeated disregard for the health and safety of Canadians. This Liberal government now has an opportunity to show that they do care—that the lives of countless workers across Canada matter to them,” said CUPE National President Mark Hancock. “It’s time to catch up with the rest of the world. On April 28, we’re calling on the Trudeau government to ban the import, export and use of asbestos in Canada.”

The federal government recently announced that they have banned the use of asbestos in the construction or renovation of federal buildings, but Hancock says if they’re serious, the government must go further.

“We’re happy to see progress on this issue, but unless they ban it completely, banning it in federal buildings alone just creates a sad double-standard,” said Hancock. “Banning asbestos isn’t hard! Fifty-six countries around the world have done it. All workers deserve this basic protection.”

Beyond failing to impose a domestic ban, Canada has long been one of a small handful of countries that opposed adding chrysotile asbestos to the hazardous chemical list covered by the United Nations Rotterdam Convention. Including asbestos in the convention would help protect workers both here in Canada and abroad by making it more difficult to import and export the deadly product.

Take action:

Attachments Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau

Pakistan and Bangladesh: Rana Plaza anniversary

On 24 April 2016 workers in Bangladesh and Pakistan remembered the dead and demanded improved factory safety and punishment to those responsible for the tragedy. IndustriALL website

Read more: Workers demand justice on third anniversary of Rana Plaza collapse


Ukraine: Construction union presents report to Government on 28 April

BWI affiliate, Construction and Building Materials Industry Workers’ Union in Ukraine “Profbud” has prepared a critique of current legislation on H&S in the Ukraine construction industry. The 90 page report will be presented to government and industry on 28th April in an International Workers Memorial Day event, with a strong recommendation to ratify C167. The report will then be translated and submitted to the ILO.

Next year at the ILC there will be a discussion, in the Committee for Application of Standards, on ILO C167 on H&S in construction. The BWI has alerted affiliates and advised on comments for the ILC discussion.

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living