Hong Kong: The Association for the Rights of Industrial Accident Victims hosts 28 April commemoration

Commemorating  International Workers Memorial Day in Hong Kong. The demands that were made was that workers do not work excessive hours and have a right to a safe and healthy work/life balance and the second demand was that April 28 be recognised and commemorated in Hong Kong by all and not just a few groups in Hong Kong  that work on Labour Rights and Occupational Safety and Health. The assembly was hosted by Association for the Rights of Industrial Accident Victims (Hong Kong). 

Kyrgyzstan: On 28 April BWI campaigned for safety in LafargeHolcim operations

Kyrgyzstan: On 28 April, affiliates of the global construction union federation BWI campaigned for safety in LafargeHolcim operations on the country. @bwiglobal @ituc @hazardsmagazine #iwmd18

Iceland: Electrical union backs BWI’s global campaign for better safety at LafargeHolcim

Here is a support photo from the Icelandic Electrical Workers Union. We have our annual meeting in the northern part of Iceland and we are happy to support our colleagues. Yesterday we discussed ways to make our members safer in work. We recently started to implement new project that’s involves giving personal tag-out/lock-out locks to our members that are working in defined branch.


Kristján Þórður Snæbjarnarson
Leader of the Icelandic Electrical workers union

Building and Wood Worker’s International

Slovakia: Let’s get together and protect the most important thing we have – human life

A message from Konfederácia odborových zväzov Slovenskej republiky – KOZ SR “So this week, one more time: Let’s get together and do everything we can to protect even at work the most important thing we have – human life. #Iwmd18 International day of safety and health at work.”

Wales TUC launches animations and videos showing unions workplaces are safer workplaces [Welsh and English]

To mark International Workers’ Memorial Day, a new short film has been launched today (Saturday) by the Wales Trade Union Congress to highlight the difference that trade union health and safety representatives have made in workplaces.

The animation (in both Welsh and English Version) shows how health and safety reps are ensuring that unionised workplaces are safer workplaces, with evidence showing that injury and sickness rates are lower in workplaces with higher numbers of union members.

It is launched alongside a message (In Welsh and English Versions) from the First Minister, Carwyn Jones, who urges people across Wales to join a trade union to make their workplaces safer.

Mike Jenkins and Julie Cook – President and National Officer of Wales TUC – pay their respects on International Workers’ Memorial Day in 2014.

Asia: On 28 April ANROEV demands Asian governments immediately ratify ILO Convention 155

The members of the Asian Network for the Rights of Occupational and Environmental Victims (ANROEV) a grassroots coalition of victims’ groups, trade unions and other labour groups across Asia call for the  ratification of the ILO convention 155 on Occupational Safety and Health and the working environment.

USA: One California worker is killed every day


Worksafe Releases Report for Workers Memorial Day 2018

Link to report: http://bit.ly/DyingAtWork2018

OAKLAND, April 27, 2018 – 376 workers were killed on the job in California in 2016, approximately one per day. This and other findings are included in a report released today by Worksafe, an Oakland-based worker health and safety organization, to commemorate Workers Memorial Day 2018, an international day of remembrance for workers who have been killed and injured at work.

“We need stronger laws, more robust enforcement, and genuine worker participation to reach the goal of zero worker deaths,” says Worksafe Managing Attorney, Jora Trang.  And as a miami injury attorney noted, “California’s historic role as a worker health and safety innovator is more important than ever given the Trump Administration’s anti-regulation agenda and anti-immigrant policies.”

Dying at Work in California is Worksafe’s 7th annual report on the state of safety and health protections for California workers. The report provides information on fatalities from 2016 and highlights four special issue areas: workplace violence, temporary workers, wildfire response and relief,  and immigrant workers. It also includes a partial list of workers who died at work in 2017 as well as a profiles of several of these workers.

The report shows that while nationally, worker fatalities are higher than they have been in nearly a decade, California has one of the lowest occupational fatality rates in the country.  California’s occupational fatality rate is 2.2 deaths per 100,000 workers, which is below the national average of 3.6 deaths per 100,000 full-time workers. The report cautions, however, that occupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities are chronically undercounted due to employer failure to document injuries, workers not reporting injuries due to fear of retaliation, and the failure to include injuries and illnesses that develop over time.

Alarmingly, workplace violence is the second-leading cause of workplace death in California, accounting for 20 percent of all workplace deaths. 46 of these 77 deaths were homicides and 25 were suicides.

The issue of workplace violence will be highlighted at a Workers Memorial Day Event where the report will be launched. The event will be held in downtown Oakland at the Asian Cultural Center, 388 9th Street, Room 4/5 on Friday, April 27th at 12:00pm. Speakers from Cal/OSHA and OSHA, labor organizations, and community groups will share current efforts to protect workers and their families from gun violence and physical assaults, because, well, anyone could practically walk into an armory and buy guns & ammo from Palmetto State Armory.

Transportation, material moving occupations, and construction and extraction occupations continue to be the most dangerous jobs with more fatalities than other occupations with 109 transportation workers killed and 54 construction workers killed in 2016. Latinx workers continue to be at high risk for workplace death. In 2016, 148 Latinx workers were killed on the job, making up 39 percent of total fatalities.

Nationwide, 14 people are killed on the job each day and worker fatalities are higher than they have been in nearly a decade with an alarming number of Latinx and immigrant worker deaths.

For more information, contact:

Jora Trang, Managing Attorney, Worksafe

jtrang@worksafe.org | 510.922.8719

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Worksafe is a California-based nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting people from job-related hazards and empowering them to advocate for the right to a safe and healthy workplace. For more information, visit www.worksafe.org.

Brazil: 28 de abril – Dia mundial em memória às vitimas de acidented e doenças do trabalho

Via  Isamar Escalona CSA-CSI


Companheiras e companheiros, os agravos à saúde e segurança no trabalho tem se intensificado por diversas razões: Desmonte do SUS – e o desmonte de suas politicas de prevenção/atenção e vigilância, com a redução gradativa e perversa do financiamento através da EC 95.  A desestruturação do Ministério do Trabalho e de seu quadro de auditores fiscais, a falta de investimento na FUNDACENTRO, entre outros.

A terceirização e a contra reforma trabalhista colocando na vitrine o golpe imposto aos trabalhadores e seus direitos. Enfim, situações que todas e todos estamos lutando contra.

Cientes e conscientes desta nossa luta, mais uma vez a UGT traz o Dia Mundial em Memória às Vitimas de Acidentes e Doenças do Trabalho como bandeira para conscientização da população brasileira. Anexo material em pdf que se possível pedimos aos companheiros que divulguem em seus sites e demais informativos junto a classe trabalhadora.

Agradecemos o empenho e a competência de todas e todos!

Cleonice Caetano Souza

Secretária Nacional de Saúde e Segurança no Trabalho


**As centrais reunidas no Fórum Nacional de STT, farão um seminário alusivo ao dia 28, no DIEESE, convite anexo e no final da mensagem. Mesmo sabendo que no mesmo dia  teremos nosso grande seminário de nossa UGT, socializamos para os companheirxs também divulgarem em vossas redes. Grata, Cléo



Trabalhar sim! Adoecer não!



Um dia de reflexão, para cada um de nós presentes, trabalhadores e trabalhadoras que somos, nos colocarmos como responsáveis pelo número de mortos no trabalho.

É duro isto, mas é a verdade! Desculpem-nos alguns…

O movimento sindical e social conta com as ferramentas e instrumentos que a Democracia proporciona. Conquistadas com muita luta. Cada um de nós sabe do seu papel e legitimidade concedida, a nós, por nós trabalhadoras e trabalhadores brasileiros (as). Que haja conscientização disto – todo dia – cada vez mais para o cumprimento deste nosso papel, deste nosso dever, desta nossa honra!

E por falar em honra, hoje é o dia de honrar os (as) mortos (as), os (as) adoecidos (as), os (as) acidentados (as), enfim, e principalmente nossas famílias enlutadas! Todos nós somos vitimas e adoecidos pelo trabalho. Ou não? Todos nós temos direito a esta lembrança e homenagem também! Não por sermos vitimas apenas, mas lembrados e honrados por lutarmos historicamente para eliminação desta praga. Por sermos cidadãos e cidadãs engajados (as) na defesa do trabalhador e da trabalhadora.

Descaso com os números e com a vida humana. O QUE ISTO ME DIZ RESPEITO? O QUE EU TENHO A VER COM ISTO? DESCASO! Isto também é uma praga que devemos erradicar de nossa sociedade.

Temos nos Ministérios da Saúde; do Trabalho e Emprego e na Previdência Social grandes instrumentos com prerrogativa de ‘aliados nossos’. ‘Talvez os maiores’ no poder público para a promoção da saúde do trabalhador e da trabalhadora. Fazem a sua parte? Existe descaso nas ações?

Prestemos atenção. Quantas mortes mais terão que acontecer, quantas doenças novas terão que surgir para prestarmos atenção ao nosso redor? Humanizarmos as relações de trabalho pode evitar mortes, adoecimentos e o sofrimento de todos e todas. Sermos mais ‘humanizados’ pode trazer muita luz para nossa luta. Colocarmo-nos no lugar do outro com certeza nos fará mudar nosso olhar sobre a prevenção, precaução e assistência aos acidentados (as): “FIM AS MORTES DO TRABALHO”.

Os números são impressionantes: vidas ceifadas por minuto; 5 mil por dia no mundo (OIT). A cada ano acidentes não mortais totalizam 317 milhões de vítimas. No Brasil, são 4 mil mortes por ano (CLT). Mas o trabalho não envolve somente o risco de acidentes, mas também o de doenças. No mundo, são 160 milhões de pessoas que sofrem com doenças profissionais e 2,02 milhões de pessoas que morrem a cada ano devido a enfermidades relacionadas com o trabalho (OIT).

O tempo de leitura deste texto – alguns minutos apenas – será suficiente para ceifar quantas vidas? Façamos as contas: 05 minutos x 03 mortes = 15 (quinze) trabalhadores e trabalhadoras que perderam a vida para produzir; vender; beneficiar, enriquecer… O que? Para quem?

Deixamos aqui nossos questionamentos e sinceramente, mesmo sabendo de vossas lutas e valorizando a cada um (a) de vocês presentes nesta oportunidade de reflexão e conhecimento, pedimos a todos e todas que reflitamos juntos para a erradicação do adoecimento, acidentes e mortes do trabalho.

Cleonice Caetano Souza

Secretária Nacional de Saúde e Segurança no Trabalho


O Movimento Abril Verde nasce com a proposta: Relembrar um marco na história que impressiona. Em 1969 uma terrível explosão aconteceu em uma mina nos Estados Unidos. Foram 78 trabalhadores mortos. Era o dia 28 de abril.

Chamar a atenção da sociedade: São 3 vidas por minuto que são perdidas em acidentes de trabalho pelo mundo, 5 mil por dia (números da OIT, relatório de 2013).

A cada ano, acidentes não mortais totalizam 317 milhões e as vítimas de acidentes de trabalho somam 270 milhões, segundo o mesmo relatório, – isto equivale a mais de 2.800 Maracanãs lotados ou quase 24 cidades de São Paulo. No Brasil, são 4 mil mortes por ano. Os dados da Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) colocam o Brasil como 4º colocado no ranking mundial de acidentes fatais de trabalho.

Mas o trabalho não envolve o risco somente de acidentes, mas também o de doenças. No mundo, são 160 milhões de pessoas que sofrem com doenças profissionais e 2,02 milhões de pessoas que morrem a cada ano devido a enfermidades relacionadas com o trabalho (OIT). Neste panorama, a cada 15 segundos, um trabalhados morre por conta de uma doença relacionada ao trabalho.

Clique aqui e conheça outros dados em nosso release.





DIA: 26 de Abril de 2018 – 5ª feira


ENDEREÇO: Rua Aurora, 957, São Paulo – SP.

08h00 – Recepção

09h00 – 09h30 Apresentação e abertura – Representações das Centrais



José Fernando Ruiz Maturana – Representante da CODEMAT na PRT15

Francisco Funcia – Consultor Técnico da Comissão de Orçamento e Financiamento do CNS

leonor Poço – CONTRAF/CUT

Victor Gnecco Pagani – DIESSE – Os riscos da reforma (anti)trabalhista para a saúde da população – Apresentação

Moderadora: Gilda Almeida- FENAFAR- CTB

11h30 as 13h00 – debates e encerramento.

Isamar Escalona
Responsable de los Programas de Economía Informal y Salud Laboral
CSA – Confederación Sindical de Trabajadores/as de las Américas
Rua Formosa, 367 – 4º andar, cj 450 – Centro
CEP 01049-000
São Paulo / SP – Brasil
Tel. (55 11) 2104-0750
Fax. (55 11) 2104-0751
directo: (55 11) 2104-0773
skype: isamaresc

Joint Statement of BWI affiliates in Turkey on Workers’ Memorial Day “Unions Make Work Safer”

28 April 2018, Ankara

Joint Statement of BWI Affiliates in Turkey On World Day for Safety and Health at Work “Unions Make Work Safer”

Dear Colleagues,

Today on April 28 which is observed as “the day to remember those who have been killed and injured at work” since 1984 and which is declared by ILO as the “World Day for Safety and Health at Work” in 2001, we commemorate workers who have been killed, injured or suffered illness due to workplace related hazards and incidents, we call public attention at national and international level to the death of workers and we advocate healthy, safe and decent jobs for the remaining who work for their bread.

Making studies to solve OHS relating problems, to develop health and safety measures in order to prevent worker deaths, criticizing the policies and practices, demanding the right to health and safety are among the mains tasks of our unions. While we as the unions contribute effectively to the field of OHS, we strongly remind the social partners about their duties and responsibilities, we demand what needs to be done in this area and we inform the public:

  •  As is also understood from ILO Safety Report, accidents at work and occupational diseases are not a “fate”. In order not to lead to new deaths, the mentality on occupational health and safety should be changed and the principle of “human first, workers’ safety first” should be adopted.
  • In order to ensure that the legislation of occupational health and safety is fully respected and the legal basis is fully achieved, national legislation should be introduced in accordance with the spirit of the ILO Conventions relating to this field.
  • All barriers to unionization and right to organize should be removed.
  • The subcontracting should be terminated.
  • The OHS Committees established in the workplaces should be organized as democratic structures and should be equipped with sanction power.
  • The number of labor inspectors should be increased and workplace inspections should be effective.
  • The OHS officials and occupational physicians should perform their duties in an ethical frame and with professional independence.
  • Efforts should be made to establish safety awareness and security culture in every part of the society.
  • The number of hospitals or clinics on occupational diseases should be increased; studies for the detection of occupational diseases should be made.
  • The objectives in the Policy Paper 2014 – 2018, adopted at the National Occupational Health and Safety Council, should be reached.
  • Given the fact that job security and occupational health and safety are complement to each other, all employees should be covered by the social security umbrella. Uninsured and nonunion employment should be prevented; informal economy should be taken under record.
  • Measures to be taken with regard to the OHS are not an additional cost but should be considered as applications that reduce accidents, prevent deaths, raise productivity and increase the competitiveness of products.
  • Today, in more than 30 countries, “April 28” was adopted as an official day of remembrance and mourning. Also in many countries, campaigns are being held to that end. We, as the affiliates of BWI from Turkey, demand April 28 to be officially recognized and announced as the day of mourning and remembrance of workers who lost their lives due to accidents or occupational diseases.

As YOL-İŞi, AĞAÇ-İŞii, ORMAN-İŞiii and TARIM ORMAN-İŞiv, the affiliates of Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) from Turkey, we publicly announce with the responsibility and consciousness of representing tens of thousands of workers that we are ready to contribute to the healing work in the field of occupational health and safety which is a problematic area in our country and we will continue our struggle against workers’ deaths.

In solidarity,
Ramazan Ağar, President, YOL-İŞ
Mürsel Taşçı,  President, AĞAÇ-İŞ
Baki Yüksel, President, ORMAN-İŞ
Şükrü Durmuş, President, TARIM ORMAN-İŞ

Norway: Union federation LO organises a conference on whistleblowing, young workers and work and health

Landsorganisasjonen i Norge/Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions, together with the Workers’ Educational Association of Norway (AOF),  arranged an International Workers’ Memorial Day conference on 26 April with approximately 140 participants. The themes were whistleblowing, young workers, work and health in Norway and  criminal actors related to working life. There was also material in the lobby on the campaign initiated by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work on chemical substances at the workplace and on working  time and health and occupational health services.

Wenche Irene Thomsen
Rådgiver i HMS-politikk/Adviser OSH-policy
Landsorganisasjonen i Norge/Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions
Torggata 12, 0181 Oslo

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living