Tag Archives: iwmd

UK: TUC leading building safety inspection drive for Workers’ Memorial Day

TUC says  “We know the risks of Raac, asbestos, poor fire safety and ventilation can be a dangerous mix. Too many of our workplaces are riddled with one or more of these. Successive governments have failed to remove and improve, and too many employers fail to properly control risk.”

So in the week leading up to Workers’ Memorial Day, TUC is taking action asking union safety reps, or reps who are responsible for health and safety as part of their role  to carry out a building safety inspection. Between Monday 22 and Sunday 29 April, union safety reps across the country will all inspect together. More than 600 reps have already signed up. More details

Scotland: 28 April gathering in Edinburgh organised by Scottish Hazards and Edinburgh TUC

Edinburgh Trade Union Council and Scottish Hazards have organised a gathering to remember those who have died at work and to refresh the resolve to fight for safe and healthy working conditions in Scotland and throughout the world.

The organisations have issued a broad invite to come and speak for your family, your union or your organisation. The theme is organising for safe and healthy work and will feature speakers from trade union and bereaved families.

The event will take place at the Workers’ Memorial Day Tree at Princes Street Gardens – nearest entrance is the west side of the mound going down the lowest path.

28 April 2023, 12.30-1.30pm

Global: la organización en favor de la salud y la seguridad –una parte crucial de la acción sindical

2023 será un año clave para los sindicatos y para los trabajadores y las trabajadoras. El año pasado conseguimos que se reconociera que un entorno laboral seguro y saludable es un derecho de los trabajadores. Esto ha dado un nuevo impulso a la organización en favor de la salud y la seguridad –una parte crucial de la acción sindical–. La Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración de los Trabajadores Fallecidos y Lesionados, el 28 de abril, está dedicada este año a esta prioridad sindical fundamental.

Owen Tudor, secretario general adjunto de la CSI.
Boletín de la CSI – Febrero 2023.


Global: l’organisation des travailleurs en faveur de la santé et de la sécurité – un volet primordial de l’action syndicale

2023 sera une année cruciale pour les syndicats et pour les personnes qui travaillent. L’année dernière, nous avons obtenu qu’un environnement de travail sûr et sain soit reconnu comme un droit pour les travailleurs. Cette reconnaissance a donné un nouvel élan à l’organisation des travailleurs en faveur de la santé et de la sécurité – un volet primordial de l’action syndicale. Cette année, la Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleurs décédés et blessés, le 28 avril, sera dédiée à cette priorité syndicale essentielle.

Owen Tudor, secrétaire général adjoint de la CSI.
Bulletin d’information de la CSI – Février 2023.


Ireland: ICTU supports the ETUC’s Zero work deaths campaign on 28 April


Thursday 28th April 2022 – Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living

Congress,  along with the Government, the Health and Safety Authority (HSA), Ibec, and the CIF will collectively mark Workers’ Memorial Day Ireland on April 28th  at the national and annual commemorative event to remember people killed, injured, made ill and bereaved through work-related accidents.

Congress President Kevin Callinan will be joined by Sharon McGuinness, CEO of the Health & Safety Authority, and Minister Damien English TD who will lay a wreath in Dublin’s Garden of Remembrance on behalf of the state to remember those workers we have lost. They will be joined by members of the Deasy family, whose son Lorcan died in a construction accident.

In Ireland in the ten year period between 2012 and 2021, 481 people were killed in work-related incidents and many thousands more were severely injured or made ill. In 2021, 38 people were killed in accidents. We know that in addition to these official figures, we have also lost many front-line workers to Covid-19 over the last 2 years.

Part of the tragedy of these losses is that we actually know how to stop workplace fatalities and injuries. The evidence is there. It involves workers and managers cooperating to create safe systems of work, to assess hazards and to reduce risks. It involves education and training for workers and management and support for the role of safety reps in our workplaces. It requires monitoring, prevention, protection, and reporting. And it also requires compliance measures including inspections, and penalties for those who do not take their legal and moral responsibilities seriously.

Congress will therefore be supporting a new campaign promoted by the European Trade Union Confederation for “Zero Deaths” at work. Zero death at work is not a utopian dream. The trend in fatal workplace accidents is down and eradication of fatal accidents is achievable. Every death at work is one too many.

The EU’s current health and safety strategy says “All efforts must be deployed to reduce work-related deaths as much as possible, in line with a Vision Zero approach to work-related deaths”. These are fine words, but the actions promised in it will not achieve zero deaths. However, we know that the tools exist to make this happen. It just needs commitment and political will. We need the EU, our own government, our partners gathered here today, and trade unions also, to “walk the walk” rather than “talk the talk”.

This means a concerted joined-up effort to

–   Prevent workplace accidents and occupational diseases, stopping exposure to hazardous and cancer-causing substances and being ready for further pandemics

– Making the physical and mental health of workers the point of departure when organising work and designing the workplace.

While fatal accidents are declining, occupational diseases are increasing. Some 100,000 workers in Europe die every year from occupational cancer due to exposure to hazardous substances. Long working hours and psychological pressure at work cause heart-disease, stroke, depression, and suicide. Bad posture, repetitive movement and heavy lifting cause backpain and other ‘musculoskeletal’ disorders and in turn cause depression and people being unable to work.

Source: ICTU


UK: Hazards Campaign resources for IWMD

The Hazards Campaign has produced a wide selection of resources to help  you mark International Workers’ Memorial Day effectively and visually including ribbons, car stickers, posters, bags, fabric face masks and t-shirts.

Download the order form here

Below is the poster – other resources can be viewed in the order form.


Global: 28 April social media graphics and image resources from ITUC

ITUC has published a package of Twitter and Facebook ready  images and infographic resources for 28 April – available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. Follow the links below to the language specific Trello boards

English Infographics
Spanish Infographics
Portuguese Infographics
French infographics

International Worker’s Memorial Day – #IWMD22

IWM22_ES. TW-3.png

IWM22_EN. TW-2.png

IWMD22_PT. IG-1.png

IWMD22_FR. IG-2.png

Australia: RSVP for International Workers’ Memorial Day, Melbourne, 2022

Every year, Victorian Trades Hall Council hosts a memorial service to remember those Victorians who lost their lives at work. This year’s memorial service will be held in person at 10:30AM at Trades Hall. RSVP here or by following the link below.


Please join us on the 28th of April for International Workers Memorial Day 2022 to commemorate the workers we’ve lost in the past year. If you aren’t able to attend in person, the event will also be live-streamed through the Victorian Trades Hall Council Facebook page.

The ceremony will include a minute of silence at 11am and an opportunity to lay wreaths.

We hope to see you there.

Reece Gittins – We Are Union: OHS Reps


À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleuses et des travailleurs #IWMD22, les organisations syndicales font pression en exigeant que la santé et la sécurité soient finalement reconnues comme l’un des principes et droits fondamentaux au travail.

La CSI et ses organisations affiliées appellent les gouvernements à prendre des mesures pour :

  • ratifier et mettre en oeuvre les conventions fondamentales de l’OIT sur la sécurité et la santé ;
  • ratifier et mettre en oeuvre toutes les conventions sectorielles ou sur les risques professionnels ;
  • établir des instances nationales chargées de la santé et de la sécurité regroupant des représentants des syndicats et des employeurs ;
  • assurer des services de santé au travail pour tous et garantir des mesures d’indemnisation appropriées, notamment en reconnaissant la Covid-19 comme maladie professionnelle.

Global: Make safe and healthy work a fundamental human right this International Workers’ Memorial Day

Workers’ unions are pressing their demand this International Workers’ Memorial Day #IWMD22 to finally make health and safety at work a fundamental principle and right.

The ITUC and its affiliates are calling on governments to take action by:

  • ratifying and implementing core ILO health and safety conventions;
  • ratifying and implementing all sectoral or hazard-specific conventions;
  • establishing national health and safety bodies bringing unions and employer representatives together;
  • requiring occupational health services for all, and proper compensation including making Covid-19 a recognised occupational disease.