Tag Archives: AOF

Norway: Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions to organise 28 April conference and publish report

The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions have for the last few years, in cooperation with Workers Educational Association (AOF,) arranged a conference on April 28, or on a suitable date close to the 28th. Since April 28 is on a Sunday this year, we chose, for practical reasons, to arrange our conference on the April 25.

Each year we do pay attention to topics that have been decided by the ILO, while at the same time putting key OSH – issues in Norway on the agenda. This year there is a great deal of activity on chemicals related to EU OSHA (focal points) We have therefore chosen not to focus specifically on this at the conference this year, but it will be included in some of the presentations. Every year we have young employees as a recurring theme with different angles.

Usually, LO has ordered material from the ILO. This year, our information material from LO, some of the LO’s association, AOF and a publisher of working life literature, will be information in Norwegian on various topics related to work and health and also the report on “Safety and health at the heart of the future of Work”.

There will be journalists present from the media related to the Norwegian trade union movement (LO Aktuelt) and from an HSE magazine.

Kind regards,

Wenche Thomsen
Fagsjef/Chief OSH Adviser

Landsorganisasjonen i Norge/Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions
Forhandlings- og HMS avdelingen/Collective Bargaining and Health and Safety Departement