All posts by Jawad

28 April: United Kingdom: Workers’ Memorial Day | TUC

Every year more people are killed at work than in wars. Most don’t die of mystery ailments, or in tragic “accidents”. They die because an employer decided their safety just wasn’t that important a priority. Workers’ Memorial Day (WMD) commemorates those workers.

Each year on April 28th, all around the world the trade union movement unites to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day (#IWMD20). We remember those who have lost their lives at work, or from work-related injury and diseases. We renew our efforts to organise collectively to prevent more deaths, injuries and disease as a result of work.

Workers Memorial Day is commemorated throughout the world and is officially recognised by the UK Government.

Theme for 2020: Coronavirus

This year we are all working in unique circumstances, as the coronavirus pandemic affects every worker regardless of sector or locality. Hundreds have lost their lives to the virus while working on the frontline, acting to protect the public and to keep society running. Workers are risking their lives every day, while many are still attending work ill-equipped and without necessary safety measures in place. We could not have a starker reminder of the important role of trade union health and safety reps in saving and protecting workers’ lives.

We remember those we have lost. We organise in their memory.

While we may not be able to attend the memorial events which usually take place on IWMD, as public gatherings around the world are not advised or allowed; there are many ways trade union members can take part in our collective day of remembrance and solidarity.

How you can take part…

Light a candle

Join others across the world by lighting a candle on the evening of Tuesday 28th April. It may be for a loved one, a worker, a group of workers or for all those who have lost their lives from work. Take a photo of your candle, and with a caption about who you’re remembering, post it on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram using #IWMD20.

Register for our video call

The TUC Education team will be hosting a video call at 2pm on the day, where you will be able to hear from speakers and submit questions and contributions in advance. Put the time in your diary and registration will be available via soon.

Coming Soon – downloadable #IWMD posters, social media graphics and video.

28 April: ITF Global – Covid19 map launched to support global seafarers

The ITF has launched a map showing the effect of Covid-19 restrictions on countries and ports around the globe.

ITUC/Hazards coronavirus workplace health resource hub

It wasn’t an infection that caused the shutdown of entire nations. The coronavirus pandemic could persist because public health was a low priority and workers do not have the sick pay and job protection necessary to survive.

ITUC/Hazards coronavirus workplace health resource hub

Global: Joint Statement on COVID-19 by IOE and ITUC

Joint Statement on COVID-19 by International Organisation of Employers and International Trade Union Confederation 

COVID-19 is threatening the health and the livelihoods of workers and employers globally. It is not a local but a worldwide challenge, requiring a global response. Urgent action is essential from
international organisations. The time has come to see the United Nations reform in action. Enhanced cooperation and coordination are required among all actors in the multilateral system. The
International Labour Organization and the World Health Organization (WHO) are at the heart of the international guidance to manage this pandemic and identify short, medium and long-term sustainable solutions for individuals, communities, nations and regions.

Joint statement 

28 April: Los sindicatos mundiales se organizan para un mundo pospandémico – Equal Times

Desde que la pandemia de COVID-19 paralizara la actividad en varios países europeos, las personas confinadas en sus casas salen a sus ventanas y balcones cada noche para vitorear y aplaudir a los trabajadores sanitarios que luchan contra el virus.

Los médicos, los enfermeros y otros profesionales sanitarios se encuentran en primera línea de la lucha contra una pandemia que ya se ha cobrado más de 62.000 vidas en todo el mundo (en el momento de la presente publicación). Y estos trabajadores pagan un precio muy alto. En Italia, donde se ha registrado el mayor número de muertes por coronavirus hasta la fecha, más de 40 trabajadores sanitarios han fallecido desde el inicio del brote, mientras que en todo el mundo decenas de miles se han contagiado y han tenido que ponerse en cuarentena, lo cual ha supuesto una presión increíble para muchos sistemas de atención de salud.

Sin embargo, la contribución de muchas otras categorías de trabajadores también es esencial en la lucha mundial contra el virus. Se trata de trabajadores que no pueden desempeñar su trabajo con un ordenador portátil desde su salón y ahora realizan su trabajo diario con la preocupación añadida de contraer una enfermedad potencialmente mortal.

Camioneros de todo el mundo han publicado fotos de sí mismos en las redes sociales con el pie de foto: “No me puedo quedar en casa, soy camionero”. En Italia, un empleado de supermercado murió tras contraer el virus; en Sudáfrica, periodistas han dado positivo en las pruebas del coronavirus; trabajadores de la economía de plataforma en los Estados Unidos, que carecen de red de seguridad, continúan llevando a pasajeros y entregando comida y paquetes, aunque una sola interacción con un portador de coronavirus puede ser fatídica. Y en Bélgica, barrenderos como Ahmet Sener hacen su trabajo con una bufanda como único equipo de protección.

Equal Times.

28 April: Les syndicats mondiaux s’organisent pour un monde postpandémique – Equal Times

Depuis que la pandémie du COVID-19 a paralysé un grand nombre de pays européens, les personnes confinées chez elles se pressent tous les soirs aux fenêtres et aux balcons pour saluer et applaudir les professionnels de la santé engagés dans la lutte contre le virus.

Médecins, personnels infirmiers et autres professionnels de la santé sont en première ligne dans la lutte contre une pandémie qui (au moment de la publication) a déjà fait plus de 62.000 morts dans le monde entier. Et ils en paient le prix fort. En Italie, où le coronavirus a fait, jusqu’à présent, le plus grand nombre de victimes, plus de 40 professionnels de la santé sont morts depuis le début de la pandémie, tandis qu’à l’échelle mondiale, des dizaines de milliers d’autres ont été infectés et contraints à l’auto-isolement, mettant à rude épreuve la plupart des systèmes de santé.

Il existe, cependant, de nombreuses autres catégories de travailleurs dont la contribution à la lutte mondiale contre le virus est essentielle. Il s’agit de travailleurs qui, ne pouvant tout simplement pas exercer leur activité normale à domicile au moyen d’un ordinateur, doivent continuer à se rendre au travail comme d’habitude avec, de surcroît, l’angoisse du risque constant d’une contamination mortelle.

De par le monde, des camionneurs ont publié sur les réseaux sociaux leur photo accompagnée de la légende : « Je ne peux pas rester chez moi, je suis un routier. » En Italie, une employée de supermarché est morte du virus ; en Afrique du Sud, des journalistes ont été testés positifs au COVID-19 ; aux États-Unis, les travailleurs des plateformes, totalement dépourvus de protection sociale, continuent à conduire des passagers et à livrer des repas et des colis, alors qu’une seule interaction avec un porteur du coronavirus peut leur être fatale. Et en Belgique, des éboueurs comme Ahmet Sener effectuent leur travail sans autre équipement de protection qu’une simple écharpe….

Equal Times.

28 April: Global labour unions organise for a post-pandemic world – Equal Times

Every night, since the COVID-19 pandemic brought several European countries to a standstill, people confined to their homes have taken to their windows and balconies to cheer and applaud the health workers battling against the virus.

Doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals are on the frontlines of the fight against a pandemic that has already claimed more than 64,000 lives (at the time of publication) worldwide. And they pay a heavy price. In Italy, which so far has the biggest death toll from coronavirus, close to 90 health workers have died since the beginning of the outbreak (at the time of publication), while across the world, tens of thousands more have been infected and forced into self-isolation, putting many healthcare systems under incredible strain.

But there are many other categories of workers whose contribution to the global fight against the virus is essential. Workers who simply cannot perform their job with a laptop from their living room and now carry out their daily work with the added anxiety of deadly contamination.

Truck drivers worldwide have posted pictures of themselves on social media with the caption: “I can’t stay home, I’m a truck driver.” In Italy, a supermarket clerk died of the virus; in South Africa, journalists have tested positive for COVID-19; gig economy workers in the US, with no safety net to fall back on, continue to drive passengers and deliver food and packages, even though just one interaction with a coronavirus carrier could be fatal. And in Belgium, street cleaners like Ahmet Sener perform their work with no protective equipment other than a winter scarf.

More in Equal Times.

28 April: ITUC – ¿Cuál es la peor compañía de la semana?

Covid-19 – Advice for workers and employers | IndustriALL

IndustriALL Global Union views occupational health and safety as a matter of workers’ rights and employers’ responsibilities. The extraordinary situation created by the outbreak of COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, does not change these fundamentals. In fact, they are now more important than ever.
Covid-19 – Advice for workers and employers

COVID-19: Recomendaciones para trabajadores y empleadores | IndustriALL

IndustriALL global union
IndustriALL Global Union considera que la salud y la seguridad en el trabajo son un derecho de los trabajadores y una responsabilidad de los empleadores. La situación extraordinaria generada por el brote de la COVID-19, la enfermedad causada por el nuevo coronavirus, no cambia estos estos principios fundamentales. De hecho, ahora son más importantes que nunca.
COVID-19: Recomendaciones para trabajadores y empleadores