Category Archives: Sweden

Sweden: Manifestation för döda i arbetsplatsolyckor

878 personer skadades i arbetet i Dalarna förra året och två personer avled. Idag uppmärksammas de i en manifestation. Mer

 Bengterik Busk/SVT
Foto: Bengterik Busk/SVT

Sweden: En enda dags vackra ord måste bli verklighet varje dag

Den 28 april betyder förmodligen inget speciellt för dig. En helt vanlig måndag. Ändå är det en speciell dag – den internationella minnesdag då fackliga organisationer runt om världen minns och hedrar alla de arbetstagare som förlorat livet på eller på grund av arbetet. Mer

Sweden: Workers memory is honored in Avesta

Stay Brihler , chairman of the trade unions in Avesta welcome everyone to the manifestation .

April 28 , manifested Workers Memorial day around the world , so even in Avesta.

This day is to remember all those who died in their workplaces . It is manifested around the world and this year is Avesta with for the first time .

Stay Brihler , chairman of the trade unions in Avesta , says that as many as 53 people never came home from his job in 2014.

– There is a very high figure , says Bo Brihler .

Various trade unions will participate in the rally in City Hall Park at the bison .  Among other things, IF Metall and Building in place.

There will be a short call and candle lighting at 18.30 .